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"I need you."

My heart stopped for a moment there, an awkward silence filled the room for a small moment, I rubbed the back of my neck asking her while i slightly stuttered, "H-Hey, I'm serious here... what do you really need?" she didn't reply yet we gazed at each other for a moment, I could feel my heart throbbing.

Then she let out a small sigh out of her mount, she held my hands tightly, pulling it closer towards fer face, she looked up to me with a serious gaze, "I'm serious, I need you." I could feel my heart getting beaten up more and more, it stings yet in a good way. 

"Please help me, Arataka" 

I adverted my eyes, I was too nervous to look at her eye to eye after those words from her mouth, I could feel my palms sweating a bit at that moment. She loosened her grip from my hands as she put both of her hands on my cheeks, forcing me to look at her directly, she was serious this time.

Despite this awkward situation that is making my heart beating uncontrollably, I simply replied to her with a small smile formed on my face, though I could feel my face heating up as I was saying that,


"Your face is really red by the way, did you not have enough rest?" She asked, looking at me with an  innocent stare. I held her hands that is still pressing against my cheeks, slowly pulling them down. I finally can lock my gaze somewhere else. To reply her question, I nodded in reply.

"Ah, maybe you should get rest soon then." She looked at me with concern.

"Y-Yeah I will! Anyways, why do you need me?" 
I tried putting back the original topic, because I knew that if we keep up the conversation about me she'd instantly knew about my weird actions right now. She looked down onto the floor, trying to remember what she was going to say, 

"Oh yeah! I needed you to call Mob for me, because it seems like my little siblings deleted his number and I can't get in contact with him. Plus, I wanted to meet you and have a small chat I guess," 

I could feel my insides shattering when I knew she needed me just for Mob, how come? I've been in these kind of situations for a heck ton of times, how come can I not overcome this one like I usually do? Could I possibly be developing feelings for her? It sounds the most reasonable answer towards my question, but I can't believe that yet since I just met her for 1 day.

"Oh, sure, I'll call Mob for you." I replied.

She looked at me seriously again, it seems like she knew that my voice tone had a difference now and before she needed me for Mob, now believe it or not Reigen Arataka, the greatest psychic of the century, you are now in love with a girl you just met.

"Hey, did I said something wrong?"

God, my mind was all over the place, I wasn't even paying attention to what she said, I just quickly responded her without even listening to her words one by one. This question kept on being said over and over inside my head;

'What is wrong with you, Reigen Arataka?'

After I called Mob to get to my office, we pretty much waited as the awkward silence strikes again. It was unbearable for me to feel that way. Frustration, anxiety, and love is just mixing in my one cup of emotion right now. There was so many decisions I could've made and done to make her talk to me again, but I ruined it.

Gladly, the mood brushed off when Mob arrived, though his arrival was a bit bitter for me.

"What do you need, master?" Mob asked me, I pointed to (y/n) as he looked at her. Somehow I could feel him being frustrated right after he saw her, why so?

"Hey, Mob was it? I need to talk to you for a while." 
"Mind if I take him for a while, Arataka?" 

She looked at me, I was quietly swallowing the bitterness of my emotions right now, but I just smiled.

They left the office.

I crouched down onto the ground as a sign of relief, I couldn't handle these chunks of emotions no more, I pretty much covered my face waiting for those two to finish their conversation. As I waited, all I can think of;

'How long do I need to feel these things?'

Rely On Me [ Reigen x Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now