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[ Mob's PoV ]

"Hey, Shige."
"Is Arataka taken or.. no?"

I was stumbled by her question, absolutely speechless. I simply shook my head in a 'no' reply, my hands we're trembling in fear as the girl was giving me negative signs. I could feel my back getting colder, who is she?

No matter who she is, she's giving me warnings, and I can't let her lay a single finger on Master.

I stood there in silence.

What a scary person she is, I really wish to not be in any kind of relationship with her whatsoever, but I don't think I could do so because she is interested in Master.

"Shige, are you listening?"

I stayed silent.

"I see, so you really don't want to talk to me that much? I guess it can't be helped,"

She shrugged, as she walked past me, going back to Master's office.

"I'm still interested in Arataka though, Shige."

I know, it's already obvious. But I do not know if it's a good thing to let you in touch with Master, I'm having conflicts with myself right now. It's frustrating.

I walked back to Master's office.

[ Reigen's PoV ]

"Sorry for the wait, Arataka,"

(Y/n)'s voice welcomed the room once again. I wonder, what kind of conversation did she had with Mob? I hope it's nothing romantic, because I really have my mind on her now—


Reigen Arataka, what are you doing? You told yourself to not have any special relationship or feel anything special towards your customer!

I guess couldn't help it.

"So, what did you guys talked about?" I asked her, she replied;

"Nothing much, just wanted to know more about a specific someone!"

My heart aches, again.

Please, don't tell me that you are interested in Mob, I really have gotten my eyes locked on you. Afterall, Mob is in love with Tsubomi, so that should be fine, right?

My mind is a huge mess.
Gosh, I'm getting terrible flashbacks.

"I like you, Reigen! Please go out with me!"
Another confession, this is the 3rd one for this week, I'm getting more and more bored with this situation, it's not even rare for me to have a girl feeling something special towards me.

"Sorry, I already like someone else"

The same reply everytime.

Come to think of it, I've never taken any interest on the girls who are interested with me, I guess that's normal because I've never known any of them which makes sense why I've never gotten a liking to any of them. 

But thinking more, I always reply with I like someone else, it makes me wonder when will I exactly meet the person that makes me feel something else unlike the others? I can't wait until that day would come.

Although, I'm pretty close to this one girl in class.. I don't remember her name though, she was quite cool and she even helped me on some of my studies.

When will I even meet her again?

"Arataka, are you spacing out?" 

(Y/n)'s voice woke me up from my deep thoughts, I really need to stop having my thoughts controlling me again. 

"Yeah, sorry! It seems like my psychic powers got really strong there and I started to give me flashbacks!" I tried to keep my cool, even though I just blurted out random words just now, oh god I screwed up real good. 

"Psychic powers? How cute."

(Y/n) laughed, I felt quite embarrassed but her laugh made my heart flutter, it was an unbearable feeling. Is it love? most likely to be it. I wish I could just say all of the words I could say in my mind to tell her how much I like- no, love her.

Then, the words I thought inside my head was spilled out of my mouth without my intentions,

"I want to be loved by you."

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