Chapter 3 - Meeting the Avengers

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"Miss and Mr. Maximoff, Mr. Barnes. Mr. Rogers has someone he would like you to meet. He said it's an urgent matter." Said JARVIS.
"What do you think it is?" Asked Wanda.
"Well," Said Pietro. "I'm not waiting." He said, running off. I started to get a funny feeling in my stomach as four people came into view. (Steve isn't in his uniform.) "Hey kid." Said the one with a metal arm. I was born without bones in my left arm and a left shoulder blade, the doctors amputated it as it was just something off my body. They replaced it with a fully functioning metal one. It looked exactly like his. "Hey." I said, shyly, waving my metal arm slightly so he could see it. 

"What's this?" Asked the man with silver hair like mine. I panicked as he ran towards me to take my red leather jacket off and I ran to the opposite end of the room with my super-speed to match his. He missed. "How did you do that?" He asked.
"Well, how about I tell you my whole story?" I offered. All four of them nodding. "Wait here, I'll go get some chairs." I said, running off into their living room and tipped five people off their chairs as I lifted them into the white room I was in 0.13 seconds ago. 

"Well, my name is S.P.B.W HYDRA. I am 1050 years old and a HYDRA experiment. They, somehow went forward in time and got DNA from four people." I said.
"I'll get Tony on this." Said the blonde man, standing up and walking off.
"How did you get the metal arm?" Asked the man with a metal arm, after the other man had left. "I was born without bones in my left arm and shoulder blade, the doctors amputated it and replaced it with this prosthetic." I explained, taking off my jacket to reveal the whole thing. I had a silver tank top on with a half-red-and-half-white star surrounded with red mist. "I like your top." Said the woman.
"Thanks." I said. "It represents the people I was made from." I said, tugging at the hem of it, so I could have a clear view of the image.

"Now that I've told you my name, can you tell me your names?"
"My name is Scarlet witch." Said the woman.
"The winter soldier." Said the man with the metal arm.
"Quicksilver." Said the other man.
"Captain America." Said the blonde man, walking back in with two men in tow. "S.P.B.W? Can we get some of your blood?" He asked.
"Sure." I said, holding out my right arm, as the left one is made from black vibranium.
"Thanks." He told me, walking back off with the men.

"What are your real names?" I asked. "And I'll tell you my parents names."
"My name is Wanda Maximoff." Said the woman.
"James, or Bucky, Barnes." Said the man with the prosthetic.
"Pietro Maximoff." Said the other man.
"And the blonde one's Steve Rogers." Said Bucky.
" parents are..." I didn't get to finish as I had feinted from shock.

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