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This pisses me off the most out of all the social networks on the internet. Snapchat. Yes, the place full of attention whores, sluts, naked boys, horny perverts and 13 year old boys. 

Snapchat Stories

Half the time all I see is either a girl posing but rubbing her face out in the red ink or I see ':(' or '>:(' but in emoji form.

I know why you cover your face up with the red ink on snapchat but if your face doesn't look good even though you posed then just take the picture again? It's simple. Here, I'll take you through it. Step one. Delete the picture you took that you don't like. Step two. Pose again and maybe try a different face if you don't like the one you  just took. Step three. Take the picture and repeat it it doesn't work.

If you post a sad or angry emoji on your story and I ask what's up then I don't want a fucking 'don't worry xoxox' You tell me what's up or just a little bit of what happened or you just don't fucking post it on your story you idiot. -_-

Snapchat Sluts

Just because snapchat says no one can screenshot your photo and they can only see it for 10 seconds at the max doesn't mean that you can send a picture of your tits or dick. People can still take a screenshot and it just informs you that they took it. 

Perverts on Snapchat

Leave young girls or even young boys alone. Stop being a sick little pervert and getting children to send you pictures of themselves. They may be young and they should know not to but you normally don't learn about this in year 7 or 8. If you say they should know not to then why are you making them send pictures? I just want to make a dog bite your scabby ballsack off.  


It's a short one but you can't do much on snapchat. Thank you for reading.

Bye Bye.

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