7. Broken Friendships

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I am very very sorry for the long wait I was just soo busy and I didn't think my story was going to get this many reads. Many people requesting me to write another chapter, so here goes.....

But first check out my friends channel on YouTube she posts the most amazing videos it would really help her out if you subscribe and like her channel, the video is up and here's a link to her video

WELCOME TO MY CHANNEL :): http://youtu.be/UNIqNfpY2Ec

Just copy and paste it on YouTube

Also I would like to thank my editor kungfumaster who makes the book awesome

Sorry for the long wait

Lana's POV

I am staring out of the ambulance window, watching the cars stop to make way. I can feel the gentle touch of Noah on my shoulder, his smell engulfing me. Fredrick is perfectly still on the bed with a deathly pale face.

I can feel the tears rolling slowly down my cheek, all racing towards my mouth. The salty tears makes me realize how hungry I am, and if on cue my stomach is starting to rumble.

The constant noise of the heart monitors keep me awake. Sleep doesn't feel ideal right now, the nightmares would not let me dream. Replaying the events of the day, like a doll with no off switch.

Arriving at the hospital makes me queasy, people die in here every single day. Once I get out of the ambulance the stench of anaesthetic hits me like bricks. It's everywhere, people wheezing and people coughing. The spreading of disease is much easier in here.

We sit in the waiting room, none of us have anything to say to each other. Noah gives me his jacket and I can feel him starting to shiver giving him goosebumps over his perfectly chiseled arms.

I put my head on his shoulder whilst he embraces me. Waiting to hear something from the doctors is like waiting a millennium. Time slowly ticks without us knowing. None of us know how long we will be sitting waiting for any kind of news.

Wake up, Fredricks going to be okay...

I hear Noahs voice in my dream and the news gives me comfort beyond my imagination. I didn't realise that I had drifted off into sleep. I am starting to wake up and I ask Noah about Fredrick, making sure it was not a dream.

'Noah, is Fredrick going to be alright?'

He's nodding like a man on drugs, the ecstasy on his face was priceless. The dimples on his cheeks make him look like a kid. But his cheeckbones and the overall structure of his face makes him look like a man. I can sense his sigh of relief. He's looking at me intently, as if waiting for some answers.

Shall I tell him what happened or not???

The fast approach of footsteps gives us a sudden shock bringing us back into reality.

'Uhum' he was coughing and rapidly turning red. The Doctor is standing there awkwardly, giving a sympathetic face as if he is apologizing for interrupting something. I realise what we must look like, Noah looking down at me giving me an intense stare and me practically on him whilst staring into his eyes. My nose is basically touching his nose, looking like we were going to have a full on smooch battle.

My face begins to turn from white to amber to red. I can feel Noah's blondeness not realising what was happening.

'It's not what it looks like, he's my friend and that's all' My words come out groggy, barely audible and the embarrassment in my voice is clearly heard.

Noah is still looking as confused as f***.

'Well okay, anyways Fredrick is going to be fine however the accident has severely damaged his legs and it might take time before he can walk properly,' the doctor says in his monotone voice.

I can hear a sob from behind me. I turn around and the sight makes me want to melt into a puddle on the floor. Rosie and Sally stare at me their eyes red from crying.

I can feel Sally's stare burning deep into my soul, it brings me sudden shudders. The memories of me and her as children come gushing back to me bringing tears into my eyes. That memory passes through my mind in a nanosecond.

Why would I ruin such a firm and well built friendship?

That question will haunt me forever.

It happens before I can register anything. Sally raises her hand high above my head and brings it down. Her hand is by her side again but my cheek is throbbing with pain. The imprints of her finger can probably be seen as dark red marks across my pale cheeks. Sally is looking me in the eye. There is no guilt. No remorse. That makes it even more painful.

A loud sob escaped my lips and I could feel the blood trickling down. Rosie tried to hold back Sally from beating me into a pulp. However the large stature of her body were too heavy for the petite sized Rosie.

Noah, my geek with abs, helps Rosie hold Sally back. I start to run out of the room, each pounding step sends adrenaline into my bloodstream. I keep on running further until my lungs was about to burst. I pause, sensing a dark figure behind me, which is followed by heavy panting.


I turn around slightly dissapointed as the person in front of me is Cara. I hug her with all my might which seems to make all of my troubles go away. I tell her everything and her face changes from shock to confusion. Her face begins to drop when she hears about Fredrick's accident, eager to go check on him. She's always been the head of the group, making sure everything is running smoothly.

'First things first. I'm a realist. Jokes, just wanting to liven up the mood. Well ... you have to talk to Sally that's what I would personally do. Explain the whole story to her. Confess already c'mon it's soo obvious that Noah has the hots for you. Before all of that shazam we need to call Fredrick's parent they must be worried as hell, wondering where their little skateboard son is.' She explains this to me whilst walking to the reception. Her cool collectivness never leaving her. However, under all that brave bravado I can see her crumbling.

One of her closest friends has just had a serious accident and he may not be able to walk again. She can sense that I am drifting away from her, so she starts to scream right in front of the reception not caring about anything.

I continously run towards the exit, my converse banging against the ground. All I've done today seems to be just running away from my problems. I need to face them head on but I'm a coward. I stop and I cower in the corner drowning in self pity.

Wanting somebody to comfort me and tell me it's all going to be alright.

I can't face Fredricks parent, how could I? I just crippled their only son who was a skateboarder.

The fresh air outside the hospital feels pure in my lungs, the stench of dead bodies leaving my system.

I make a quick phone call to my mum telling her about what happened. She sounds distant, I could hear a sob escape her lips. She was pretty close to Fredrick her sense of humour never freaking him out. As I say my goodbye to my mum I could hear my dad in the background consoling her.

My mind suddenly switches on, I know what I have to do. I have to apologise to Sally for being a prick and to Cara and Noah for running away. Sounds easier then it is, my heart is beating a million times a second as I walk to the ward. My hands start to clam up and I could feel perspiration under my armpits.

Opening the door gave me the shock of my life. Lying there was Fredrick having a full snog with Sally.


I could see Fredrick look at me giving me his death stare. He stares at his legs and then looks at me.

'You are one sick son of a bitch, kissing me and then crippling me. DON'T you ever talk to me again and Sally either. GET THE F*** OUT OF HERE YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT' He shouts at me at the top of his lungs, wheezing at the same time.

I turn around and I could see Noah staring at Fredrick ...

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