Humanities Last Stand

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The sun is slowly setting in the not so night sky; the twinkling stars are being replaced by the strong rays of warm orange sun. If only I knew what was in store for me late that year.

            Slowly coming into consciousness I wince at the suns harsh glare, pulling the covers over my face to protect myself from the morning sun. I notice that the sun isn’t the only thing that has come up today. I start giggling to myself I stretch and gaze out of the window thinking, “I wonder what in store for me today.” Laying there for a good 20 minutes I rub my eyes and climb out of bed moaning as my warm skin hits the cold air outside of my warm bed. I stand up and grab my school clothes and head towards the bathroom door. I pull the handle down and the door won’t open. Panicking, I start pushing my door and banging on it but nothing’s happening. I try and pull the door from its frame and with a simple pull the door opens. I gaze at the door and realize it’s a pull not push. Face palming I walk off into the bathroom to find the door closed. Banging on the door I shout out, “Is any one in there I need to shower!” A couple of minutes later I hear a bang on the bathroom floor. I push the door open to find my older sister fallen over on the floor. As I stand there I burst into laughter as she lays there on the floor and she shouts at me for laughing at her, but I continue to laugh harder. She gets up and pushes past me and slams the door of her bedroom shut. I stagger into the bathroom holding my sides where I am laughing too hard. I climb into the shower and wash away the morning blues ready for school.

            Slowly coming into school I see year 8s playing football on the grass near the schoo gates. One of the kids comes up to me and asks me if I had heard the recent news to which I smile and remark, “That your mum’s fat ass covered the moon again?” With a scow he gives me the ginger and says, “No! There are reports of the living dead all over the island.” With a serious face I stare at him and reply with a “really?” He slaps my back and starts laughing. “No you God damn fool I was joking!” laughing heavier he walks back to the pitch and continues playing football. I continue off into school to get some breakfast. Just as I get there the bell rings for class! My heart sinks and I slump off into class, hungry and annoyed at Barrys earlier joke. Pulling out my time table I realize I have Maths, English, History, and finally catering.

            What feels like decades I check my phone and it’s only half past 9. Leaning back in my chair and thinking to myself “it’s only been half an hour since I got into class.” Slowly watching the seconds turn into minutes, the hand hits 10 am. The bell rings and it’s time for bunking off. I text my fiend Alexis to meet me behind the school field to bunk off English –we have the same English class. Walking off towards the end of the field I sit down and wait for Alexis. 

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