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Christina is currently in the tunnel of some playground for little kids. She can't think clearly, her thoughts are racing. Tears are pouring down her face and she can't stop them. Lauren is trying to comfort her but she CAN'T. Christina feels like all of her feelings are pouring from the back of her locked mind into the front of her brain. Everything is so overwhelming, even the clothes she is wearing. They feel wrong, she can't explain it it just feels wrong. She is digging her nails into her skin trying to focus on anything.

Why did she have to drop now?

She was supposed to be taking care of Lauren. Lauren was little to and Christina was older than her.

Oh gosh. Her body felt so heavy. She couldn't move but, at the same time she was so restless. Why was She a little. She needed to be strong. A caretaker.

Lauren violently shakes Christina trying to get her attention and when Christina can finally force her body to move, she points toward one of the tunnel entrances where a worried looking woman with shoulder length hair is standing.

Christina immediatly panics. She forces her body to move away from that side of the tunnel.

Why was she dropping now of all times. They needed to keep moving and now, because of her they could be  in danger. She ushers Lauren to the other exit. Her body is trembling and all she can think about is fear and she has an urge to be comforted but, she can't.  If she becomes little she will be defenseless and can't protect Lauren if she drops to.

Her body is tingling and she feels like every movement she makes weighs 100 pounds. When they reach the other side and stand up they see the same women with two other women... Possibly also littles staring back at her.

"Umm. Are you two ok?"

I don't respond and just run to pick up our two small raggedy backpacks as I grab Lauren's hand, squeezing it tightly. She begging running but her legs give out below. Her drop is affecting their escape.

Oh god Oh god get up get up.

The woman nears them and crouches down.

"Are you Ok? You and her seem to be struggling." The lady points toward Lauren who is looking fearfully at the woman and her friends... Or whatever they were. She is slowly backing away.

Christina forces her body to get up and she shoves the lady down with all of her strength. It doesn't seem to be very hard. She stumbles slightly in shock but recovers quickly as christina runs toward Lauren and the exit but the other two Stand in front of our escape.

Oh God, we are going to get hurt because of my stupid biological needs.

Now another woman appears she is alot shorter and looks very concerned.

"Umm... Katherine... Babe?" This shorter woman is holding many bags two of them small backpacks with some type of cartoon characters on them. She is also holding a purse and diaper bag.

'Katherine' doesn't even flinch as she stands tall.

'Two possible Littles. Don't know names. Found them in that tunnel. Look homeless. One of them, if not both, are dropping. Look scared. Can't let them leave or they may get hurt."
Katherine's voice is no longer motherly and caring. It was like flipping a switch.

Christina's resolve and determination pushed through as she gets all of her racing thoughts together if only by a thread. She can think a little straighter but, her body still feels wrong. When she looks over to Lauren, she seems to have gone into headspace and is now curled up on the ground and Christina can see her biting her thumb. Christina crouches down and picks up Lauren into her arms, adjusting her body. Forcing her thoughts of comfort to go away.

Christina's body is tense and she wants to run but she can't.

"Sweetie. You and your friend there seem to need some help. If you come home with us, we can give you some food, a shower, and a nice palace to sleep."

Christina doesn't believe the Katherine girl yet.

"Hon, I promise we won't hurt you or her. We can take you back to your home if you want?"

Christina has a wave of even more fear ripple through her body. She shakes her head "NO" vigorously.

"Alright. No home. I promise. But, your sister looks really hungry yeah? We could get some yummy food for her."

Christina bites her lip. Well, food sounds good and Lauren is looking up at her with a pleading stare. Christina's wish for care is still stabbing her mind but she shakes it away as best as possible. Got to keep Lauren safe. She hesitantly nods.

"Alright sweetie, well can you come with me and my family to my car? We will get you back to my house and get you taken care of alright?"

Katherine ushers the rest of her family to their large car. Buckling Dani and Lisa in who have returned back to their little spaces albeit their oldest little headspace but, still a headspace.

Christina decides to follow the other people, her little side pushing at her constantly, telling her to go, go get food.

When she climbs into the car, Katherine reaches to buckle them but, Christina slaps Katherine's hand away as both Christina and Lauren flinch. They look at her with the most heart wrenching fear she has seen in a while.


Her voice comes out hoarse from not using it enough. She quickly slaps her hand to her mouth to prevent anymore noise from coming out and doesn't make any eye contact. She then whispers quietly an apology as she buckles herself and Lauren in.

Katherine sighs but forgives Christina.
"It's alright honey, I shouldn't have reached out to you without asking. I'm sorry."

Christina is baffled. No one has ever apologized for anything to her before, except for maybe Lauren or her own parents before they died. All that comes out as a response is a squeak.

Katherine closes the mini vans door and goes to shotgun, Amy in the driver's seat. The drive is filled with the family speaking and Lauren and Christina staying completely silent however, Christina's little side has won over and she is now in headspace with Lauren... Or Laur in headspace.

"Hey Ames... We are going to have to take them to the authorities sooner or later..." Katherine whispers, out of range for any of the Littles to hear.

"I know, but we will worry about it when we get there. Right now we need to worry about feeding them and cleaning them up a little. We will figure out what to do later. Alright?"

Katherine nods in response to Amy's remark, looking back at her 2 Littles and the other 2 they picked up.  The older one is comforting the younger one who is nervously sucking her thumb.

Yes, it's an new book. Can I keep up with all the books I have? No. Will I keep making more? Yes. Do I have 2 more new books I'm thinking about? Yes. Am I going to publish them and then fall behind even more? Maybe. Am I scared that someone is going to have the same idea as me and then post it before me then, if I post mine I would be accused of copying? Yes. Should I be scared? Nah. Oh well.

Ok. Bye.

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