Stupid Diaper

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Warning: This chapter is a little weird, at least the end is a little strange so don't hate me. It's not like... It's kust a lot more detailed than it needs to be I think but, I guess that means my wanted style is improving? Idk.

It was late at night and Amy couldn't help but smile at her kids, and 'temporary' kids, trying to hide their yawns, though they were failing miserably. The faint sound of the movie in the background not reaching Amy's ears as she relaxes in bliss. She knows they have a long day tomorrow with getting the recently added girls settled, sorting legal things, hospitals, and finding out what the heck happened to them.

The smallest girl, Lauren she thinks Kath said her name was, has finally succumbed to her sleep, leaning against her... Sister? Whom was also fighting against sleep, albeit much more succesfully. They were waatching some movies that she didn't really care about but, Katherine was VERY into it, and when anyone else spoke, she would quickly quiet them before they became to loud so that she couldn't hear the movie.

Amy looks to see that Dani had finally passed out on the floor cuddling her favorite stuffed animal, a worn out elephant from when they won the court case to be her caretaker. She finds Lisa on the recliner chair curled up into a ball almost asleep, her eyelids fluttering closed, then quickly blinking as Lisa sttempts to stay awake.

Amy nudges Katherine a little, getting her attention. When Kath looks over Amy points with her eyes to the tired girls. Katherine mouths an 'Oh' and turns off the movie. She stands up, gently picking up Dani and reaching a hand out to a falling asleep Lisa who groggily takes Kath's hand, grabbing her own favorite blankie.

Amy smiles at someof hwer favorite girls leaving the room before glancing to the now two asleep, tiny girls. She slowly gets up and walks over to the other couch, crouching down and sitting on the floor. This would make her less threataning looking when she wakes them up, deciding that if she just picked them up... there would probably be a meltdown.

"Sweethearts... time to wakey wakey... we gotta get you two ready for bed, ok?" Amy gently whispers.

Both girls stir, then wake up, looking a little frightened for a second before seeing the nonthreating figure, nodding slowly. Christina rubs her eyes with her fists as if to rub the sleep away.

"Alrighty... let's go." Amy reachers her hand out slowly and suprisingly Lauren reaches out with grabby hand motions and Amy gets the notion, picking her up and setting her on her hip. Lauren rests her head on Amy's shoulder.

"Alright... Chrissy, I have a question for you ok?"

After seeing the small nod from her own peripheral vision, Amy asks.

"Do either of you have any accidents while you guys are sleeping?"

Christina freezes but, Amy calmy keeps walking, hoping to relax the stressed out girl.

"I... Y-yeah... Lolo d-does... and... and I-I do too... b-but only sometimes.... I p-pwomise... I-I can... I can stay dry a-and... and L-lolo too..." The girl starts out quietly then gets louder, almost begging Amy as if she is desperate to get to sleep in a bed. That concerns Amy greatly, no child should be that stressed about an accident. After all, it was an accident. Also, they should have probably been able to control their bladders by now right? Well, maybe not the three year old but, Christina probablly should be done with potty training...

"Sweetheart, its ok. I promise. If you have an accident neither Kath or I will mind. I was just asking so we could get you protected so you don't have an accident ok?"

Christina gazes deeply into Amy's eyes, seemingly deciding if she was telling the truth but eventually digresses, deciding to believe the older woman. Amy hums as she gently rocks Lauren when they get into the large bathroom, kitted out with an adult sized changing table as well. She gets a few disposable toothbrushes and brushes their teeth, as well as puts their hair up to keep it from getting to tangled. she then gets out 2 diapers, neither girls noticing it as a result of their own fatigue. Amy swiftly takes Lauren and lays her down on the table, allowing Christina to sit on a stool and watch Amy's every movment, knowing that would help the girls begin to trust her and Katherine. She quickly undresses Lauren's lower half, holding her breath for a negative reaction, suprised when she doesn't get one. Until she realizes that Lauren is clenching her eyes tightly whispering somthing under her breathe. Amy frowns at this and stays as gentle as possible, lifting up the girls legs to set the diaper under her. She then gets the baby powder, putting on a decent amount before strapping up the diaper to fit her. The diaper is a little bug but, it will be ok, as long as they have a little protection. She gently picks Lauren up, noting the suprised face on the small girls face when she realizes that nothing  happened to her.

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