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Amy was worried about the child who was just sitting on the bathroom floor. She looked up to Amy with fear in her eyes. No child should ever feel like that, actual child or not.

Amy approaches slowly before sitting down across from the curled up girl. She begins humming a gentle tune hoping to relax the scared little without rushing it. She knows from experience with Lisa that you can't rush these things. Many people do and that's why Lisa had such a hard time finding someone who was willing to put up with her long-lasting anxieties. Amy has a feeling that Christina and Lauren will be similar to Lisa. However, every child is different so she is willing to learn.

Christina slowly begins to peek her eyes out to see Amy who is still patiently humming.

Christina sighs before unfurling herself.

"I... I sowwy. Can Punish now... If... If you wan'?"

Amy's heart physically breaks at hearing the defeated tone. She is quick to provide reassurance.

"No, no sweetheart. You aren't being punished. It was just an accident sweet baby girl. We just need to get you cleaned up."

Christina frowns at this.

"No. No. 'm a big girl. Not... not a... a baby... "

Christina trails off looking away from Amy's caring gaze.

"Sweetheart, I'm glad you're a big girl but even big girls need help getting cleaned up. Alright?"

Christina frowns and shakes her head even more.

"No. No. No... Big... Big girl... i... I can do it. CAn do it... C-can. Pwomise..."

Amy sighs in defeat and resigns. She figures that Christina isn't ready for that boundary to be pushed yet and she can practically see the oncoming anxiety attack if she didn't let Christina clean herself. 

"Alright sweets. The diapers, wipes, rash cream, and baby powder are down in the cabinet. I'll be right outside if you need anything."

Christina gives a hesitant nod before Amy leaves shutting the door behind her. She knows that she has to be patient with scared littles in order for them to fully trust you, Dani and Lisa are proof of that, but it still doesn't make it easier to wait.

Only a few minutes pass before a scream startles Amy. At first, she is worried that its one of the new girls but then she realizes that she knows that scream. It's Lisa.

Amy begins to stand up but then realizes that 1) Katherine is probably already there and 2) Christina was still in that bathroom and on the off chance that Christina really did need Amy, she didn't want to break any trust that had been formed.

She had to patient and so, she was.


Katherine was still lying in bed savoring every moment of rest she could get after Amy left to go check on the weird fumbling in the bathroom. As much as she loved taking care of others, it got tiring very quickly. She was having some God time when she heard the scream. Lisa's scream. She decided that God time could wait for a little bit. Katherine bursts out of bed, her devotionals and pencil falling onto the floor with a gentle thud. She rushes to Lisa's room to see her thrashing in her bed, sheets tangled around her almost making her immobile. Lisa lets out heart-wrenching sibs as she struggles against her restraints.

Katherine briskly begins to try and untangle her little girl, succeeding surprisingly fast. Lisa immediately stumbles into the corner of the room, hands covering her head, face into knees.

"Lise, Lise, honey. It's ok. Your safe Honey. YOur not with him. Daddy isn't here anymore."

Lisa doesn't seem to recognize Katherine until she says, Daddy. Lisa gasps, her head shooting up, almost painfully quick. She sees the thin shape of Katherine and quickly throws herself at her Mommy. She grips the hem of Katherine's nightgown tightly.

Katherine brushes through Lisa's hair gently and rubs her back. She whispers sweet nothing to hopefully relax Lisa from her hysteria.

She knows that it will take a long time to calm Lisa down, but honestly, she would wait forever if it meant that one of her little girls felt that they were safe no matter what.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2019 ⏰

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