💓BTS valentines special💓

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The boys all had went out of korea to spend time with their special girl on the most romantic day of the year.
This is how they went.

J: He had taken his love home on a vacation to see her family in africa, She was an immigrant in South korea since she wanted to get away from all of the violence when. She was younger thanks to the help of her aunt. The couple met the girls family in the heart of south africa as a smile rested upon their faces as they watched her parents rejoice in seeing their daughter after so many years. Jin watched as his love danced around with her family and she pulled him up as they dance as well. It was exactly romantic but to jin family is all that she needed this time around.

NJ:He didnt take her anywhere si ce she had to work that day and fir the rest of that week working doubles. So he ran her bath water that was above hot. (The way she liked it)  He buys roses and chocolate and spreads rose petals from the entrance of their shared home all the way to the bathroom where candles were lit and spreading a beautiful aroma in the sais bathroom.   She comes home a few minutes after everything had been prepared and namjoon waits in the bedroom before making her take her clothes off. To slip in the bath and for the rest of the night they did unspeakable things and winded away their stress.

JH: He takes her on a simple trip to jeju island to have a fun vacation and he takes their children for extra fun though he hates the little times when they cockblock him from his wife when they should be out having fun on the resort. But he cant deny chances in teaching them how to dance while his wife watches in amusement.

SG: He does nothing. That simple. Why celebrate Valentine's day when it's just a normal day like no other? He'd rather surprise his favorite girl with random acts of kindness and romantic things. [Sorry,  i thought of those who doesnt celebrate valentines day.]

JM: he gets to make his girlfriend to believe he doesn't care much for Valentine's day and waits until she is sad before getting her to come outside and he performs a dance with a few of their friends before proposing to her, she jumps into his arms knocking him onto the ground in tears.

TH: He goes to a secluded part of korea near the ocean and he takes his pregnant wife with him in delight as he sets up a telescope for her to see the meteor shower that night as the stars twinkled around them. The water that belonged to the ocean shines so brightly making it seem like they were in space itself rather than earth. "Its beautiful.." His wife whispers with a smile on her face. "So are you in every aspect" his wife looks over at him with a delighted smile. "Thats so freaking cheesy idiot."

JK: He takes her to L.A. for a fun ride un a tour bus with the occasional fans passing by with starstruck looks, but they dont disturb the valentine vacation he set up and instead give him his space and take pictures from afar with his permission. It goes viral all on social media but they make sure to block out anything that could give up The idols location. Jungkook smiled at the fans as he and his girl continued to travel around the bustling city that belonged to california. He secretly uses those same fans and their help to pull of a mini concert just for her singing some of the songs he had written, produced, etc. At the end of it all he had kissed her infront of everyone happily.


I decided to do this for you all, because why not? 😊

Also..my boyfriend wants me to creat a book that has 'Us' and other Oc's involved but sjsksjsksk how the frickity frack do i tell him I'm burnt out on ideas?! The only. Ideas i have for this book he requested is a book where a wife escapes abuse. And confides in a friend or whateverstarts over,  some freaking apocalypse book i know that isnt going to work out well,  and finally a normal cheesy cliché book about an online couple who finally meets. [Anyone have any ideas? I need help 😭] Sorry for ranting but ughajakaaja

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