Story 2: Come Back

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I followed him out into the driveway to his car. He put his bags in the backseat and turned to me. I was clutching his pillow and struggling to hold back the tears. When his eyes met mine, he put his hands on my arms and gazed into my eyes.

"You'll be okay," he assured.

"Please don't go," I squeaked as the tears blurred my vision.

"Oh baby, you know I don't want to." He pulled me close and buried a kiss in my curls as he gently rubbed my back.

I was still holding his pillow tight, wishing this was a dream and he wouldn't have to go.

"Here," he said softly as he turned from me and dug around in his duffel bag. He then turned back to me and put some of his cologne on the pillow I held. "You keep this pillow and sleep on it tonight. It smells like me now so it will seem like I'm there when you close your eyes. Okay Becky?"

"Okay.." I whispered as my eyes remained downcast. "When will you be back?" I swallowed hard as my throat began to feel tight and dry.

He gently put his fingertips under my chin and made our eyes meet.

"I'm not sure. But I promise to be back as soon as I can. I love you." He pulled me close again and hugged me tight. Then, we shared one last kiss before he shut the passenger side door and went around the car to the driver's seat.

"I love you too. Be safe."

"Yes ma'am," he nodded.

"Buckle up," I reminded him as he got in the car.

"Yes ma'am," he smiled as he put on his seat belt. He then shut his door and mouth the words "I love you" and "don't cry" before the blue sedan began to pull away.

I watched as his car got smaller and smaller. He was leaving. Five thousand miles would be between us once again.

 My hand clasped over my mouth to stifle the sob as I watched my fiance depart. The hardest part of this was not knowing when he would be home again.

"Johann, come back," I muttered through a sob. "Come back.." I whispered again as I let the tears run freely down my face. "Come back."

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