Chapter 5

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Riminya forced Dikoni to stop once the sun had begun its descent from noon to one. 

"You're hurt and you need to get your strength back," she insisted. His eyes pierced her but she didn't back down. "You know I'm right." 

Dikoni glanced over at his wrapped shoulder and sighed. "Fine," he drawled out but Riminya could see his smile soon after. 

The demon placed herself on the grass, the slight frost melted immediately when she got close to the ground. She rummaged around in her satchel and pulled out the jar of berries she favored, popping it open as Dikoni sat next to her. 

The dragon reached over to take a berry but was quickly swatted away. His eyes met a sly smile on the girl's features. "You brought food," she giggled. 

Dikoni backed his hand away and his deep laugh sounded, "I'll remember that." 

Riminya shifted her body and laid herself down on his lap, facing the sky. For a moment, all was quiet. Nothing seemed to even move. Chewing another berry, she could only hear Dikoni's and her own breathing as he, too, looked at the endless blue of the afternoon sky. They sat like this for many minutes until Riminya capped her sweets and set them down to enjoy the quietness. 

Dikoni was first to break the silence. "It's been a while since we've been able to sit like this." His voice was soft and careful as if he were dreaming. It barely disturbed the nature's stillness. 

The devil didn't answer for a while, she closed her eyes and listened to the birds chirping somewhere far off. Dikoni leaned over her and studied the curves in her face and neck. He traced his hand along her cheek and down to her collar, furrowing his brows in thought. How can a creature be so destructive yet so beautiful? He questioned. Are all demons like this? 

The two came upon a place that Riminya found vaguely familiar. Not just because she had been here not long before, but she felt as if she'd seen this place when she was very little. 

Cobblestone paved the road just like in Dikoni's kingdom. Brick buildings towered above their heads for multiple stories, still in single digits though. People with dark eyes peered out from the windows of the buildings, staring them down. At the end of the road sat a large church with white pillars shooting upwards to uphold an overhang. Black wrought iron railing surrounded the porch and two large French doors stood, looming in the center. Stone steps led up to the porch and doors as well. 

Riminya walked in awe, taking in everything she saw. She could feel Dikoni's hand on her arm, leading her to where they needed to be. 

She caught sight of a group women, dressed in fur coats. Their eyes were focused on Dikoni, more importantly, his stark white hair. But Riminya stared them down. In the glittering sunlight, flecks of gold shimmered behind them. Wings, Riminya thought but Dikoni pulled her along.

Soon they moved up the stairs of the grand building, pushing open the doors revealing an auditorium. Riminya's dark eyes traced over every bit of her surroundings, unsure of why exactly they were here. 

Dikoni's demeanor was strangely calm as they moved. He'd been like that ever since they left from their lunch spot. It slightly unnerved devil because she'd never seen him quite like this. It was almost like he was in a trance.

They walked towards the stage as the demon looked back and gazed at the emptiness of the pews. Dikoni led her still as they ascended the stairs to the platform and he brought her backstage. She resisted for a second, staring out the huge windows facing east, the pines shadowing most of the light out now that the sun was making it's way down the horizon. 

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