Chapter 6: Not So Serious Caelynn

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Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrong doing. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth, always hopes, and always preserves.

Ahhh love... What a wonderful thing. That is in most cases at least. In this particular case it most definitely is not. True love is supposed to be natural. Everything happening in a serendipity sort of way. All things coming together to create a perfect moment in time. Forbidden true love, however, is a completely different story.

Although, some of the greatest love stories of all time happen to fall into the forbidden category. Jack and Rose from the Titanic, Tony and Maria from Westside Story, Noah and Ally from The Notebook, and the most classic forbidden love story of all time
Romeo and Juliet. Unfortunately that last one ends in tragedy with both of the main characters dying... BIG yikes!


"What a beautiful day it is... in prison." I mumble to myself as I stretch my arms out above my head.

I crawl out of my bed to retrieve my phone that is for some reason on my glass vanity table instead of the matching glass nightstand beside my bed.


I grab it and flop down on my bed on my belly. The screen lights up, 10 messages from Amelia. I shrug and think nothing of it, she messages me nonstop all the time anyways. We're super close so it's just what we do, I mean we could be in the same room for Pete sakes but don't want our parents to know what we are talking about so we text it to each other instead.

I glance through the messages. Nothing out of the ordinary all just random thoughts she wanted to share with me, per usual. I smile and hop off my bed and head over to her room. I quietly sneak inside, closing the door behind me. I see her long, shiny, golden locks neatly laying on her pillow. Even when she sleeps she looks like a perfect princess. Everyday I wish I was more like her.

I sit down beside her on the bed and gently shake her shoulder to wake her up.

"Mmm..." She moans scrunching up her face and turning onto her other side facing away from me.

"Amelia, it's Caelynn, time to get up for the day!" I softly tell her, shaking her shoulder a little harder this time.

"Nooo I don't want to get up. One more hour." She begs before putting the pillow over her head.

I feel a bit taken a back. She never usually has trouble getting up in the morning, heck she's usually the first one up. She always starts her day early by either going to the gym to work out or sunbathing by the pool, she's always doing something!

"Are you okay? You never usually sleep in. What's wrong?" I question as my heart begins to pound anxiously.

"I'm just really tired. Leave me alone Sutter..." She mumbles underneath the pillow, waving me off.

I pick the pillow up off of her head and throw it behind me. "Something is wrong. You never act like this. Tell me what's going on. Wait a second..." Suddenly it dawns on me that she just called me another name, and not only that but a BOY name. "Did you just call me... Sutter?"

Immediately she sits up her eyes wide as she rubs them. "Uh... oops. I didn't mean to say that. I don't even know why that came out of my mouth."

"Who's Sutter?"

"No one really... He's just this guy I went to school with. We were in the same grade, graduated together." She explains

I raise an eyebrow and cross my arms over my chest. "Uh huh and you just expect me to believe that?"

Amelia Davenports Not So Serious Death | 18+Where stories live. Discover now