Hello old (New) Friend part 1

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Just on the outskirts of the Kingdom, nestled between the Woods and the Corn Field, a rift tore open the air, and Lion bounded out. Atop his majestic back rode Steven, and hovering alongside them was his newfound shadow genie.

As Steven dismounted Lion, he patted his faithful companion gently. "Rest, buddy," he murmured, watching as Lion settled down with a long, contented yawn.

Taking a few steps forward, Steven drew in a deep breath, only to cough and hack almost immediately. "What the hell?" he exclaimed, his eyes tearing up from the acrid air that assaulted his lungs.

"Why's the air so foul?" he questioned, his gaze sweeping the area. Mewni, once a realm of enchantment and vivid colors, now lay in a state of desolation.

His astonishment grew as he spotted Star's home in the distance. The kingdom that was once teeming with magic now exuded an aura of darkness and despair, smoke billowing from the castle like a sinister shroud.

Taking another step forward, Steven felt the earth beneath his feet soften. Looking down, he realized he was standing in what used to be the Corn Field. However, there was no thriving corn to be seen. Instead, the once-lush crop lay in ruin, broken and decayed, stems severed.

Kneeling down, he touched the soil and brought his hand to his nose, inhaling the putrid scent. The earth that once nourished life was now tainted and spoiled, mirroring the grim state of Mewni.

"The Corn Field is ruined, Mewni prides itself on Corn," Steven said worried, "If that's ruined what does it mean for Mewni?"

"King Ludo Merchandise, get your King Ludo Merchandise," a listless, broken voice echoed in the desolate air. As Steven looked up, his heart sank at the sight before him.

A Mewman, frail and emaciated, struggled to push a cart laden with Ludo merchandise. His gaunt form and clouded, milky eyes resembled that of a zombie, a mere shadow of his former self.

"Sir! Sir!" Steven called out, but his words fell on deaf ears.

"King Ludo Merchandise, get your King Ludo Merchandise," the merchant droned on, the monotony of his words a reflection of his empty existence.

The zombie-like merchant shuffled back towards the kingdom, prompting Steven to shout after him, "Hey! Wait!" However, a firm tug on his shirt halted his pursuit. He turned to find Genie restraining him.

"Don't bother," Genie's voice carried a note of detachment. "He can't hear you; he's a mindless servant under Ludo's magic."

"But he looked like he was so starving. I have to help him!" Steven's determination was evident, his struggle to break free from Genie's grasp palpable.

"He won't accept your help," Genie responded coolly. "And his suffering will soon come to an end. There's little you can do for anyone here until you find Star."

Steven let out a resigned sigh. "I guess you're right." His tone was reluctant. "But still, why did you stop me? I need to go to the castle and find Star. That's where we should start searching."

"I prevented you from following that man not because of him, but also because the one you're seeking isn't in the castle town," Shadow Genie's voice carried a deeper meaning.

"Then where is she if she's not in her own kingdom?" Steven inquired, his confusion evident.

"The one you know as Star has sought refuge from King Ludo along with others in the Forest," she clarified, gesturing towards the woods.

As Steven began walking towards the woods, he was halted by his Shadow Genie once again. "But be careful around her, Master. She holds reservations towards magical beings," her voice carried a hint of warning.

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