Hello old (New) Friend part 3

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Somewhere in the Blue Vortex

Steven, Star, and Colossus continued their journey on Lion, racing toward their next destination: Gravity Falls. Star leaned to the left, puzzled by their direction. "Where are we going?" she inquired.

"We're headed to Gravity Falls to rescue Mabel Pines," Steven replied with determination.

"Pines? As in Dipper Pines?" Colossus interjected, her voice laced with curiosity and a hint of amazement upon hearing a familiar name.

"Yes, yes! Finally, someone recognizes a name!" Steven exclaimed with excitement.

"Are all my friends in Gravity Falls alright?" Colossus inquired, her concern evident.

"I certainly hope so," Steven replied earnestly, his desperation to find Gravity Falls unspoken yet palpable.


Gravity Falls

A portal materialized on the outskirts of the town, and Lion sprang through, his paws kicking up dirt as he skidded to a stop on the small-town road.

Stepping off Lion along with the others, Steven found himself in a messy and muddy situation as he inadvertently stepped into a puddle. However, their disheveled appearances hardly mattered given the circumstances.

With a sense of relief, Steven unclasped his collar and took a deep breath. "It's so good to breathe real air again," he exclaimed, though the air was damp, muddy, and far from pristine.

Following suit, Star removed her collar, savoring the freshness of the human atmosphere. "Ah, that's refreshing," she noted with a contented smile, grateful not to experience any blood-coughing.

Colossus, still clad in her dress, struggled to move comfortably. The lower half of her attire was torn, and she decided to kick off her black high-heeled shoes for easier movement.

Having tended to their immediate needs, they set out to take in the unfamiliar Gravity Falls of this reality. As they looked around, they were met with a sight that contradicted their expectations. Instead of the quaint simplicity they anticipated, the town seemed to be bathed in glaring city lights. Their confusion grew as they gazed at a sign that read: "Gideon Land."

"What the hell is this place?" Colossus demanded angrily, her frustration evident at the transformation of the once-charming town into what resembled a miniature Las Vegas. The nostalgia of the innocent town where she once played with her human friends seemed to have been replaced with something entirely different.

"I'm not entirely sure. Why don't you girls go ahead?" Steven suggested, hoping to stay back and have a conversation with Genie.

"I think I remember the way to the Mystery Shack. Come on, Star!" Colossus chimed in, beginning to navigate through the wet mud. Star followed her, and they headed towards the Mystery Shack.

Once they were far enough away, Steven turned his attention to Genie. "Alright, Genie, spill it. What happened here? Where's Mabel?" he inquired, his shadow transforming back into the form of the Genie.

"Well, I've covered most of it, but I can give you the details. Gideon wasn't stopped, and he took control of the Falls. He obliterated the Mystery Shack, seized power, and turned the town into a flashy tourist attraction," Shadow Genie explained as it emerged from the ground where the original shadow had been.

"He practically holds the town in his grip, manipulating the people and regaining their trust. They forgave him for his deception," Genie added.

"Wait, they forgave him? Even after what he did?" Steven queried.

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