Chapter 7: The 3 R's Part 2: Revenge

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"Ok so what's the idea", said Bella

"I think we should pay a visit to Mr. Beckham, and show him how my heart feels". Said Z

"You've got to be kidding me", said Bryan

"No it's time I stop crying and feeling hurt and take action" said Z

"Ooo 2nd R - Revenge, so exciting", said Bella, "So what are we doing?"

"Odell gave me his jacket from his suit the night we went out and I have still have it. I saw a tag on it that said rental and Ooo, you can best believe it was expensive.", said Z

"Okay what do you want to do, spray paint it, pour grease on it?", said Bryan

"No let's go to his house and set it on fire in his yard", said Z

"Okay I like where this is going but how are we gonna get to his house we don't even know where he stays", said Bella

"Oh yes we do cause he has a "if found" sticker in the coat pocket with his address on it", said Z

"Then what are we waiting for lets go", said Bryan

"1) I have to get dressed, and 2) You need to stay here and get some rest because Me and Bella are taking a sick day tomorrow and I need you to be in charge.", said Z

"Ugh why do I get the boring job while yall get to go on a adventure", said Bryan

"Ugh why do I have to pay you if youre sleeping on MY couch." Said Z

"Good Point, Have Fun", said Bryan

Z ran up stairs put on her black sweatpants, her black sweat shirt, amd her all black crocs. She then ran back down stairs grabbed Odell's coat out of the closet along with a bag of matches and some oil. They drove to his address amd when they got their Z hurriedly jumped out and started yelling.


She grabbed the jacket threw it at the bottom of his steps poured oil around on it and lit the match. Odell opened the door and walked out.

"Z I know your feelings are hurt but you don't got to to burn my jacket, I need that money.", said Odell

"No you don't", said Z

"Yes I do so I can pay the rent so me and my daughter can survive.", said Odell

"Woww lieing again, you don't even have a daughter", said Z

"Yes I do!", said Odell

"NO YOU DON'T!", said Z.

Z threw the match as his coat and it went up in flames. Odell ran to try and put it out but it was to late.

"Maybe next time you wont break my heart over the phone", said Z

Just then a little girl peeped out from the door holding a teddy bear.

"Daddy, I'm scared", said China

Z put her hands over her mouth then on the side of her face. She then turned around and got in her car and drove off. While in the car she punched the steering wheel.

"Stupid, I'm so stupid", said Z

"Why are you stupid?", said Bella

"Because I really messed up", said Z

Words From Our Writer

*Why do you think Z is beating herself up over this*

*Will Odell ever forgive her?*

*Find Out Soon*

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