Chapter 19: Hormones, Hormones, & More Hormones

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Z was 6 months into her pregnancy and she was suppose to feel happy and Joyful but she felt a sign of depression and with the depression came hormones and they were terrible.

Odell's POV:

We were sitting in the meeting talking about Which Dress Z would be wearing and nothing seemed to could get done because some people not naming names had an attitude about every dress.

"What about this?", Rihanna asked projecting a dress onto the screen.

"It's to basic", Z said crossing her arms.

Rihanna changed the screen to a different dress, "What about this?", she asked.

"It's made of Cotton and Wool I will be scratching my ass off", Z said rolling her eyes.

"You know you could be more nice about this", I said reaching for Z's hand.

"I am being nice, is this not nice for you?", Z snapped back snatching her hand away from me.

"No you are but..", I began.

"Oh I can be way more nice", Z said standing up, "I'm sorry that you guys brought dresses that even homeless people would t wear".

Gabrielle bit her lip and started gathering her things. "You know Z's right we should go and look for some more dresses, this session is over anyway", She Finished.

"Excuse my wife to be, you know how the hormones can be right", I said trying to apologize to Rihanna and Gabrielle.

"Actually I don't, But if this is how it is I'm sorry for you", Rihanna said.

"Sorry for him, who the fuck she think she talking t——", Z began before I cut her off.

"Go Upstairs please go upstairs", I said pointing towards the stairs.

"I just wanted to know who she was——", Z began motioning up the stairs.

"Gooooo", I said pointing upstairs again.

After Z had disappeared upstairs I turned toward Rihanna and Gabrielle.

"I am so sorry for my Wife's behavior, the doctor said the hormones will be bad I didn't know it would be this bad", I said.

"I thought she wanted to cut off my neck for a second", Rihanna spoke first.

"I DID", Z said, yelling From upstairs.

"NO SHE DIDN'T", I yelled making sure Z heard me, "No she didn't", I whispered.

"I will see you guys next week", Gabrielle said finally opening the door and walking out with Rihanna trailing behind.

"Sorry again", I said before closing the door, turning around, and taking a deep breath before walking upstairs to Z.

When I reached the door, I walked in and she was sitting up in the bed holding her belly. "Why did you have to act like that it was really disrespectful", I said crossing my arms.

"Yeah Yeah, I'm sorry come feel my belly I think I can feel the heartbeat", Z said.

"Helloooo Earth To Z", I said waving my head in the air, "Did you hear what I said?".

"And I said I'm sorry, now come feel my belly it's so cute", She said.

"You are bi-polar a few minutes ago you were the Devils Daughter now your the Virgin Mary what going on", I asked.

"Are you gonna feel my belly or fuss me out", Z said gripping the belly.

"I'm gonna fuss you out cause that was really mean", I said.

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