Chapter 2

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Frank and Gerard text nonstop about anything and everything. From that, they learn they are both seniors at different schools, Gerard is older by six months, Frank's mom is a single mom, and Gerard has a little brother named Mikey.

They have both began to increasingly flirt with each other, which includes Frank sneaking up behind Gerard at the store one time and placing his chin on his shoulder, effectively scaring the shit out of Gerard. When he jumps, Frank places his hands onto Gerard's hips and keeps them there perhaps too long, but Gerard didn't seem to care.

Now they were both hanging out outside of work, which didn't get to happen often. They sat at a park in early February (while it was oddly nice out), and Gerard was sketching some birds beside him the bench. The sun was setting soon, and Frank put his right arm around Gerard and kept it there.

The lines between 'friendship' and 'something possibly more' started to blur a while ago, but nothing they did could ever really be more than platonic. They were just kind of 'touchy.'

Frank watches Gerard sketch in a comfortable silence, and when Gerard finally tires of sketching, he leans into Frank's side.

Frank is looking at the side of Gerard's face, who is madly blushing at the attention Frank is intently giving him. Gerard looks at his hands in his lap, chewing on his bottom lip.

"You know, Gerard," Frank settles his arm firmly around Gerard's shoulders, "Groundhog day is weird, and for as long as I have been alive, it's never been accurate."

Gerard laughs exasperatedly and shoves his shoulder into Frank, "You're such a dork. Why are you thinking about that?"

Frank only rolls his eyes playfully and leans into Gerard's side, "I dunno. I'm sat out here with you and it doesn't feel like winter at all. I enjoy being able to do this." He hums contentedly.

Gerard looks up at Frank through his lashes, "It's peaceful, and it's so pretty out here." Suddenly, looking up at Frank's face became too intense, and his heart started beating erratically. He hopes Frank didn't see his jitteriness as he set his sketchbook beside him and out of his lap.

Frank did, however, and he leans in to quietly murmur, "S'only because you're here." Frank hummed teasingly, slightly hoping Gerard would detect the sincerity in his voice.

Gerard looks back up at him disbelievingly, "Oh shut it, Iero." He smirks and looks away at the birds across the sidewalk.

"It's true," Frank says earnestly.

Gerard is shocked, and his chest seems to constrict itself even tighter once the words ring through his ears. He turns his head to look at Frank again, "You mean that?"

Frank's heart drops. He is so incredibly anxious, and he can tell that Gerard has been messed with in the past. He manages to not swallow his tongue, "Of course I mean that, Gee. I think you're- you're just so handsome but beautiful at the same time and I'm in awe."

Gerard's lips part slightly, mostly in shock. He can feel the blood rushing to his cheeks and he can hear the blood pumping in his ears as he looks up at Frank with hopeful eyes, full of adoration.

He couldn't contain the smile on his face, "Frank-"

"Can I kiss you, Gerard?"

Gerard only manages half of a nod before Frank's soft lips are on his own, tying his stomach into knots.

Gerard leans into the kiss, moving at whatever pace Frank sets. He places a hand on the side of Gerard's jaw, sucking a little at his bottom lip before pulling away. They both release the breath their holding, smiling and touching foreheads.

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