Chap 07.

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"Wassup ma" Dave East said walking up to me.

I was blushing hard as hell. "Wassup Mr.LadiesMan" I said pointing towards the door.

This nigga had like at least 100 fans standing outside of Victoria's Secret trying to get in to see him.

"What can I say? They find me attractive as hell just like u do"

"Tuhh. Anyways this my Bestfriend, Diamond. My sister, Brianna and my baby sister, Vassiah and this my son I was tellin you about, Yosohn"

"He so cute, just like his momma" he said lookin at yosohn and lookin back up at me. "Nice meeting you ladies I'm Dave".

I looked at them and they all had they eyes landed on the dudes that came with Dave.

"Nice meeting you" they all said still looking at his brothers.

"These my brothers. Clarence, Nahmir and My Baby brother Zion."

The girls and the boys went they separate ways. Clarence and Diamond came with us.

We walked out the mall and Diamond and Clarence was behind us flirting.

"So what happen with you and his daddy??" Dave asked me with his arm around me.

"He felt like his hoes was more important than his damn family. Don't start some u can't finish." I said.

We walked into true religion and asked each other a few more question and got to know a lot about each other.

I got yosohn a few outfits and I bought the same outfits he got for me.

"U got any kids??" I asked him walking up to the cash register.

"Nah I want one tho" he said walking up to the cash register with me.

"$1,592 ma'am"

I pulled out my wallet and I heard. "Thank you, have a nice day" and I looked up and seen Dave grab the receipts.

"You know u didn't have to pay for it Dave but thanks" I said grabbing the bag.

"No woman should have to pay for nothing" he said looking down at me, smiling.

"Awww" Diamond cooed at me and Dave and both of us laughed.

"Guh shut up and talk to ya "friend" lol" I said and Clarence put his arm around her.

He held the door open for me and I seen yosohn waking up.

A couple of fans ran up to me and him. I took a few pics with fans.

He took a few pictures with his fans and I sat down and played with Yosohn.

"Hey momma baby" I said tickling him.

"Are y'all together??" A few fans came over asking me.

"Nope, just friends"

"Y'all would be a cute couple" one fan told me.

"Lol thanks I guess" I said and they took some pictures with me.

Dave came back over to me with his body guards and grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"Come on my lady" he said smiling putting his arm back around me.

"Where Clarence and Diamond??"

"Shit prolly at the food court sharing spaghetti" he said referring to the Lady and The Tramp Movie and I bust out laughing.

Still My Baby •Ariana Fletcher FanFic👑❤️✨Where stories live. Discover now