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by the time the movie had ended, louis was the only one awake. his fingers absentmindedly twirled harry's hair around, as the younger boy's head rested in louis's lap. zayn, niall and liam were sprawled across the floor, empty pizza boxes being used as pillows and each other as blankets.

louis couldn't sleep, he had a pounding headache and a sore throat that could only be cured with tea. however, he wasn't sure if he was willing to wake harry (who looked quite beautiful in his sleep) just to soothe his throat.

"lou?" zayn mumbles from underneath liam's legs. he crawls out from underneath liam's jean clad legs and huffs. "jesus christ, li, lay off the pizza, mate."

"i didn't know you were up," louis whispers.

"i wasn't," zayn shrugs. he sits next to louis on the couch and nods his head towards harry. "you gonna ask 'im?"

louis snorts. "fuck no. what am i supposed to say? 'hey h, i know we're the most immature married couple on the planet and we cant even take care of a plant so i don't know how the hell we would take care of a baby but get me pregnant, why don't ya?'"

zayn rolls his eyes. "christ, lou. we know you both want it. you've been married for nearly a year now and you've been wanting a baby forever. and if harry's not ready then he's got 9 months to get ready. just talk to him, mate."

so the next morning after the boys have left and the pizza boxes have been disposed of, louis clears his throat while he and harry are eating breakfast in the small little kitchen of their apartment. "h? uh, can i talk to you about something?"

harry goes white and stands up straight. "fuck, lou, i'm so sorry. coulda sworn our anniversary wasn't till next month, fuck-"

"no, no, it's not like that-" louis pauses and scratches his face where a line of stiff stubble has grown over the past few days. "i was just thinking that we should talk about our, uh, future?"

"our future?" harry repeats and fuck, his voice is loud and louis is nervous. "louis if you're saying you want a divorce-"

"no, no!" louis shakes his head and pulls harry towards him. "its not like that, love, i swear."

harry runs a hand through his tangled hair, "just come out with it lou, you're driving me mad."

and then louis tells harry he wants a baby and oh.

niall was right and harry doesn't know what to say. "louis..we had a plant for less than a week before it died."

and that's all harry has to say for louis to get it.

"oh. ok, yeah you're right. sorry i brought this whole thing up." and louis disappears into their bedroom and as he does so, he leaves harry's flannel that he had still been wearing from the previous night in a wadded up puddle outside the door.


harry calls liam because zayn's biased and niall's not picking up the phone (what an asscunt). besides, liam usually knows the smart thing to do where as niall would just tell harry to grow a pair or some shit like that. also zayn is really biased.


"liam, i fucked up, help me fix it."

"oh hi, harry. whats going on?"

harry is pacing in the living room outside the bedroom door, his voice low so louis won't overhear. "louis started talking about having a baby again.."

"look harry, you don't have to say any more. he stormed off, yeh? have you tried talking to him before you called me? no, i bet you haven't." and harry understands why he called liam now. "besides, you want a baby, too. you're just scared. you have about a year to get ready though, haz. trust me on that."

so harry slips his thumbnail into the lock on the door and finds louis watching how i met your mother.

"lou?" harry runs a hand through his hair and sits down. "i want a baby, i really do. i think we should try."

"really?" louis asks and fuck, harry's never seen him smile so wide.

louis throws his arms around harry's neck and everything seems alright for a few minutes. harry would do anything to make louis smile like that and harry's actually smiling as well until he spots a yellow-brown potted plant in the corner that looks as if it hasn't been watered in years.


sorry this is shitty and short but pls accept my apology for not updating sooner
(also one of my teachers was
reading over my shoulder while i was writing and i almost cried thats all bye)

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