hoodie [wrong number] (Virgil x Reader)

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*Trigger warning* there are themes of self harm and suicide attempts inside. I assure you that no one dies but it is difficult to explain. Don't read if you have had your share of suicidal thoughts and self harm things because you don't need to feel shit again.

Regret... I regret everything I have ever done. I edge closer to the cliff face and sigh looking over to the water below me. its a long way down... my clothes providing little to no protection from the wind... I guess I should really tell you what happened.

it started on a sunny day in August. I had chosen to wear all black which for me is normal. a thin long sleeved shirt, ripped jeans and sneakers. this was my normal everyday look and to top it all of I wore my thick hoodie... I know thick.

Dad told me to take it off as it was 30 degrees Celsius out. I had refused... I wish now I hadn't as that hoodie was my life.

I had passed out that day so Dad took my hoodie and washed it. he didn't know that it needed a cool wash so it shrunk . Dad told me how sorry he was and like a fool I told him everything was perfectly fine... although it wasn't. Without that hoodie I felt vulnerable and weak it had been my shield from the voi
ces and my siblings harsh words.

My mental health went down hill very fast from there. the voices... all
the voices swirling around my head. Everything got worse and more dull. My father noticed but couldn't do anything. he would sit me down to talk about the emotions but couldn't help.

My heart was broken and I felt destroyed, broken and pulled down into the depths of hell. It burnt, it hurt, and I couldn't stop the agonizing pain.

I had to leave I had to get rid of the pest I am. The evil life sucker I am. The thing I am. I have to rid of it, get this thing out of the world. It's disgusting, revolting, wrong! I shouldn't exist because of everything that's wrong with me. My hoodie had been the only thing that kept me together, the only thing that was constant... It was my constancy.

I peer over the edge and gulp the sharp rocks at the bottom make me shake slightly. I pull back and grabbed my phone slowly typing in my dad's number.


You: Dad, I'm sorry, but you can't change my mind. I know you thought well and looked after me but I can't continue with this. Everything got worse an honestly I don't regret my decision. Don't cry, cherish what we had and with still have. I love you.


I wasn't expecting the instant reply. I had been preparing to jump when I heard my phone buzz.

-Text start-

*Anonymous* please don't do it. You may have the wrong number but please let me reason the reasons why you should live. If you find me wrong I won't stand in your way.

You: but I cannot be reasoned with.

Anonymous: look Y/N, you have helped me though so much sit. You were there for me when I was in that situation a year ago.

You: NO, you can't be him. Virgil!?

Anonymous: I never gave up I thought you wanted to leave me. I knew you where busy with school, you didn't need my shit, you needed to work.

You: Virgil I'll back away. I won't do it. For you. I thought you died. You shouldn't have left me.

Virgil: I'm sorry.

-text end-

I slowly backed up away from the edge. Slowly I turned around and walked away. My heart lurched and I looked at my phone to the number I had typed I realized I had instinctively typed out Virgil's number from the amount of times I had typed it in before.

I slowly walk back to my car but there was another car next to it that wasn't there when I had arrived. I looked over at it as I slowly got to my own car. I gulped feeling worried that someone else than Virgil knew I was here.

A boy came out of the car and looked at me. His hair was a mess and coloured purple. He was wearing a black hoodie with purple patches. Why does he look familiar?

Wait, that hoodie. Virgil?

"Y/N?" He asked.

I jumped slightly.

"How did you know I was going to be here?" I asked quietly.

"This was where I came N/N (nickname) here when I wanted to end it all..." He said.

I sighed.

"I should have known..."

"I also tracked you..." He replies fully.

I sigh again and nod. He has no idea why this all happened.

"I should explain, shouldn't I?" I asked

He nodded and so I explained everything to him. How my life had fallen apart and how the voices wouldn't silence. How it wouldn't stop.

"I understand and I guessed it had something to do with mental health. I get it I do. Come on, get into your car and follow mine we're going on a trip." He told me.

"Oh-- okay." I say getting into my car.

He takes me this long rout through the city and Parks up by McDonald's. We got out and he brought me food which he hadn't had to do but I thanked him kindly never the less.

I felt as if I've known him my whole life... That was a month ago me and Virgil had grown closer friends we'd go out everyday, our friendship had grown so strong and I felt healed like all of my (metaphorical people) scars have been healed. It doesn't hurt anymore.

There was still a lot on my mind and sometimes my thoughts did get taken over but when I'm around Virgil, it stops. Everything that I hated about myself stopped. Everything changed. In some way I was lighter, there was less dragging me down.

Slowly I climb out of bed, today was the day Virgil's dad and my dad met. I was extremely nervous as me and Virgil saved each other's and our dads didn't find out until going through our phones and noticing the miss typed numbers and also realised what was going on and why we'd gotten so close.

I guess you could say that we're as bad as each other's but the full thing is, we hurt as bad as one another.

I had got changed and just started walking down the stairs. When Dad stopped me.

"Her N/N what time are we meeting them?" He asked me.

"Twelve." I reply grabbing some breakfast.

I ate the food I had grabbed and after I sighed. There was a knock at the door. I walked over and opened the door.

There stood the guy himself. Virgil.

"I'm here to pick you guys up." He said.

"Okay I'll just get my dad." I say.

I grab my dad and we all leave as a small group. My dad makes tons of dad jokes on the way there. I sigh to my self and giggled at certain jokes.

When we finally arrived I slowly got out of Virgil's car. I finally get to meet his dad, and he finally gets to meet my dad...

I start to panic slightly before entering the café. I calm myself down with a deep breath and we finally go inside to meet the man who's son saved my life and be gets to meet the man who's daughter saved his sons life before that.

This is a whole new chapter of my life.

A/N- so did you like this fluffy and Anxty chapter? Because I love it only the bad thing I've found with it is that it has a cliché ending.

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