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One: The King who fought a Demon

He was handsome, brave, loyal, he was perfect. He was the man of one’s dreams, fighting day and night for his country, where his heart and loyalty would forever lie. His parents had passed away at an unfortunate time in an unfortunate way, and he was left to rule the land and to end the war. What a tragic, beautiful story. The story that was simply his destiny.

But he did not want the destiny that was forced upon him.

He did not want to lead his recruits, his friends into a war which never seemed to end. He did not want to be the ruler of the kingdom. He did not want to be haunted at night by the screams of his dying comrades. But then there was his biggest fear and most cowardly secret, he did not want to die.

Of course the king knew this was oh so cowardly, that there were knights giving their lives for him without a second’s hesitation, but there was nothing he could do about it but hide. And so he would hide, hide his fear for as long and as best as he could. He would try to be the leader everyone saw him as.

But that was probably all he could do.

"Sky." The maid with the deep green eyes said, staring up at him with worry.

"Yes?" Sky replied, smiling at her as if absolutely nothing was wrong. As if the whole world was just unicorns and rainbows, jokes and laughter. It was his trademark, that smile was.

"General Sparklez would like a word."

"Of course, send him in." He waved as she left, his smile as bright and plastic as ever. Sparklez was quick to scramble into the room, and Sky just laughed. "Long time no see. How is the elite team going anyway?" He mused.

"Over half of them were killed during our last mission." Sparklez stated bluntly, and Sky's smile fell from his face.

"I see..." He said. "I'm sorry that happened."

"Yes, me too." Sparklez stepped further into the room and Sky frowned at him.

"Do you know who saved the remainder of us?" He asked, a small sigh playing on his lips. "It was that phantom, Deadlox. He was more skilled than me on that battle field." Sky was now simply staring blankly at his friend, unsure what else to say.

"And what of it?" Was all he came up with. What else was he supposed to say? The phantom of Kingdom Crafted was indeed a criminal, he was a thief. There was nothing else to it, god Sky didn't think he could handle all of this for much longer.

“Nothing… Nothing. I was just thinking, maybe we should try to recruit him, he would be a valuable member to our army Sky, even you have to admit that.” Yes, Sky had indeed thought about it, he had even just about gone through with arranging to ask. But Sky did not need help from a criminal; a king should not allow scum like that to fight for his kingdom.

“Out of the question.” Sky said. “But if you see him again, you can give him my thanks, for helping you and the others escape.”

“Sky…” Sparklez sighed, running a hand through his hair. He was about to say something, Sky knew it, but Sparklez soon shut his mouth, nodding to Sky and leaving. They all did this, they wanted to ask, he knew they did. But they never actually went through with it; they all just watched him and whispered. He hated that.

They all knew his tragic story, or some of it at least, and they all whispered about it non-stop. The town’s woman, the men, the recruits. They would always kiss and tell, all of them; Sky didn’t have a single true friend in the whole world. He used to have one, but that was a long time ago, before the war that ruined his life. His past was the Demon he would forever fight.


There were bombs going off all night long that night, bombs and screams. All the while Sky sat, curled up in his mother’s arms, awaiting the beautiful orange glow of the morning, to signal that it was safe. That it was all a bad dream.

It felt like they were so close to making it, so close to walking out of that room to see everyone was alright. So close, yet so far. There was shouting upstairs, and footsteps. “Adam, my love,” His beautiful mother whispered, staring right into Sky’s beautiful golden eyes. (A/N: Look, I know it says golden, Sky’s the only one that really calls it Budder, so it remains gold until he says otherwise) ”I need you to hide okay? And no matter what you hear, how scared you are, you mustn’t come out.”

“But what about you momma?” Sky had asked so innocently, it brought tears to his mother’s eyes, which Sky wiped away, smiling at her with that grin that just seemed to make everything okay.

“I’m going to be okay, but you need to stay put in that little crack over there okay?” She pointed to a crack in the wall, far deeper than it actually looked. His mother was sobbing quietly now, and Sky simply hushed her, wiping away all of her tears.

“It will be okay momma, please don’t cry.” He said.

“Yes,” The woman chuckled, shakily nodding her head. “Yes, it will.” She picked her child, her pride and joy up, carrying him to the crack, where he obediently crawled in.

“You’ll come get me in the morning right?” Sky asked feebly.

“Of course I will.” Her mother cooed, even saying those words bringing more tears to her eyes. “You are such a brave boy, Adam.” She whispered, kissing his forehead and putting a few planks in front of the crack, so that no one would even know it was there.

“I love you momma.” He whispered. The woman walked into the centre of the room, there was no where to run. She heard the sound of the door being kicked down, and took a deep breath, closing her eyes. A few men filled the room, guns raised.

“…I love you too baby…”


(A/N: So, what’d you guys think? Was it good? Bad? Fabulous? I hope it was fabulous, because you guys only deserve the best! Hope you enjoyed!)

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