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Chapter four: Blue and yellow are his colours

It was too close... Far too close... Ty had thought with a scowl, his back pressed against a wall of the large, overgrown castle, and his breathing erratic.

I'm too careless... Way too careless... Ty had to move, he had to run and he had to get the hell away from there in case the king decided to call some buddy's to look for him.

He didn't want to think about it, didn't want his brain to calculate what he might have just seen, he didn't want to know. He wanted to forget that the whole thing had even happened and to just move on. But Ty just couldn't stop himself, he knew what he'd seen and what he'd seen was true.

Sky was alive. Maybe.

Of course Ty's place was still a filthy mess when he woke up the next day. He really didn't want to clean it; he knew there was just no point. Ty was awakened by the startling sound of gunshots, making Ty instantly jump up from his sad excuse for a bed. He ran for his cloak and belt. The belt was very important; he kept all of his weapons in there, except for a small knife kept in his boot.

The sound was close, very close to his home and Ty was less than prepared to deal with whatever the hell was waiting outside. He hurried to the back door, pulling up his hood and bursting out, his eyes momentarily blinded by the sudden lighting difference. Ty began to run, he ran through an old ally and hiding in the shadows as best as he could in broad daylight.

The sounds of women and men alike screaming, trying to running the opposite direction of Ty just made him grit his teeth. What was happening? He stopped at the sight of those mutated... Things. Guns raised and shooting down everything.

There were people, from the Sky Army, he assumed, with their backs pressed against walls, just trying not to get hit by the foreign weapons, shooting back whenever they could. Apparently their strange weapons didn't have to be reloaded very often though, giving the army few chances to fight back.

They were completely cornered in their own territory.

Ty felt himself freeze up slightly. It was happening again, they were inside and they were out for blood. Those damn squid people... Ty couldn't help but wonder, just how many people would they murder... Had already murdered today? How many women left without husbands? Children orphaned? How many people would lose everything they had to those pricks?

An explosion forced Ty out of his thoughts, and Ty was surprised to see who they were firing at. It was a general. He was given the nickname Ant-Venom, or something like that, There was another General close behind him. Captain Sparklez, Ty thought he had a pretty weird name. Most of them did if he was being honest.

"Leave now, or we swear to hell you'll regret it." Ant spat out, sword in one hand, a gun in the other with a menacing look on his face.

Ty didn't move out of sheer curiosity. He was curious to see what the pair was capable of. Sure, he'd seen one General at a time fighting every now and again, but nothing serious. This was serious. The mutated squid man cackled, raising the strange weapon and waving it in amusement. "Two of the kings little crows?" He bellowed. "I would just love to see you try and harm us."

"That a challenge?" Asked Sparklez, a small smirk on his lips. They then took one look at each other, Ant and Sparklez both sharing a look, before they disappeared. Or it looked that way at least. They were very fast; Ty's eyes couldn't keep track of them as mutant by mutant fell to the ground, dead or dying.

One of them whipped past the apparent leader. "Entertaining enough for yah?" He laughed, and the squid mutant just gapped at thin air. They were taunting the ugly man, before a voice boomed over everything.

"Stop!" Ty spun around, heart racing to see him. His blue cloak over his head and covering his facial features like usual, but it was unmistakably the king, and he did not look very happy. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Sir, we-..." The two generals had stopped, and were standing straight as the king approached.

"Not you." The king simply brushed past them, heading straight for the squid mutant that was now stumbling over himself and others trying to scramble back. His attitude had completely changed as he tried to get away from the approaching king.

The king's sword dragged against the cobblestone path creating a rather intimidating sound, even Ty shuddered slightly. "What do you think you're doing?" He growled.

"So, the so called king finally decides to show himself after years of hiding in his castle of safety, hm?" The mutant snorted, though he was clearly quaking in fear. The king simply rammed the sword into a wall, it pierced right through. The squid shut up.

Holy shit...

"I don't hide," He growled. "But if you aren't convinced, I'd be more than happy to demonstrate my authority using this sword and your life." He pulled the sword out before pointing it swiftly at the man's face. "Ant, Sparklez, please escort this man and any survivors to their own private dungeon rooms. We'll discuss this further later."

"Alright." Sparklez said, Ant nodding in agreement, picking up the man and disappearing. Ty assumed they were going to grab backup to 'escort' the rest. The king then proceeded to give some kind of public speech to set the kingdom at ease, which it did, before he left.

He sighed and turned away from the scene. What drama...

It was then that Ty decided to take a small field trip down memory lane. The meadow was nothing like it used to look, the trees were overgrown and dying, the once luscious pond now a large, muck filled puddle, and the grass was itchy and overgrown. What else could he have expected though? It wasn't like anyone had been taking care of it for several years.

Ty sighed, wandering further into the once lovely place, only to see something he never would have expected. That blue cloak now pulled down to reveal chocolate brown hair, just long enough to be tied into a slight pony tail at the back.

He was just standing there, he wore dark sunglasses and had his head tilted down to look at a pair of yellow headphones. Ty felt his heart stop, hie eyes wide as Ty found himself stepping out of the shadows and into the clearing.

"Sky." He said without a second thought, and he spun around to face Ty.

I JUST UPDATED! You know, it's only been four chapters and I'm astounded by all the love this story is getting, so I wanted to personally thank you all.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for voting and commenting all these nice things, I'm glad I can entertain you guys and hope to continue to.

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