FAGE 11. Are You In...?
Title: Heartbreak Boy
Written for: Purlysurly
Written By: TwiAddictAnne
Rating: M
Prompt used: "They were talking about me."Beta Extraordinaire: Shae Maen
Disclaimer: Twilight characters are not mine; neither are 5SOS. However, this story? It's mine alright.
A/N: First off, let me apologize for the long A/N, but I promise the others would be on a shorter side. Hello and welcome to my lovely readers. It's that time of the year again. FAGE. And that means, you get to read a complete story in a day.
Usually, I incorporate ALL the prompts I get from my giftee, but this year, I decided to stick to one of her prompts. But that sounds too easy, right? So as an added challenge to myself, I based this story on one of my favorite songs from 5 Seconds of Summer, Heartbreak Girl. It's been some time since I did a song-fic. So I hope I did it justice. Have a listen to the song while you read.
To my giftee, Purlysurly, I hope you like it.
A tacklehug and sloppy kisses go to my fic-wifey and partner-in-crime, Shae Maen, for keeping me sane and beta'ing this monstrosity in a short notice. I love you, babe.
And to every beautiful soul reading this, enjoy. It's gonna be a bumpy ride. :D
Chapter-1: Prologue
"It's just not fair!" he says heavily from the other end of the phone. "She should be suffering too."
"Of course she should," I agree, suppressing a sigh of frustration.
"Everything was so perfect, Bell. I don't know what happened to us."
I know, I want to tell him. She's a bitch, that's what happened. I don't say the words out loud though. I keep my mouth firmly shut, keeping my opinion to myself.
Perhaps my silence goes on for too long because he takes a shaky breath. "I'm sorry for unloading this on you. You must be busy."
"Oh don't be silly, Edward," I chide softly. "I'm always here for you, you know that."
"I'm lucky to have you as my best friend, Bella," he says after another few minutes of wallowing in his self-pity.
Hanging up the call, I let out the sigh I've been holding back.
Best friend—that's how he sees me.
That's all I'll ever be to him.
A/N: We have 8 chapters in total to work through tonight. So I'll be posting hourly updates. And yes, the chapter lengths will get longer as we progress.
Please let me know your thoughts and leave a review.
Add to the C2 for the event to read the other stories. All the authors deserve some love for their hard work.
See you soon.
Heartbreak Boy
RomansaTo him, I'm his best friend in the world. To me, he is my world. Story written for FAGE 11.