Chapter 8 - Drive

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By the light of a single candle, we gathered in the garage the next morning - another ridiculously early start and it was still pitch black outside. The Land Rover was as heavily loaded as I had ever seen it.

"Ok, gang," Mike said, "this is not a car trip, it's a military expedition into enemy territory. Nearly everyone we see will want to steal our car. We don't want it stolen but our own safety is much more important. Clear?"

He looked to Susan and me and we nodded.

"If we have to abandon, you both have rucksacks to grab. You," he looked to Susan, "take Emily, and you," me, "take Lizzie. Don't try to stick together; rendezvous at the farm." We had already given Susan maps and directions. "I will freelance a bit to try and stop people from following us but I'll try to go with Susan."

He looked around again.

"Girls," he looked to Emily and Lizzie, "I say again, this is not a normal car trip. Make sure you use the toilet now because we will not be stopping. You do not talk unless someone asks you a question and if someone tells you to do something you do it straight away. Is that clear?"

The two girls nodded but they both looked terrified.

"Can I have a moment?" Susan asked.

Mike nodded.

She squatted down so she was at eye level with the two little girls. "Do you understand why Mike is being like this?" she asked.

They shook their heads.

"Ok," she explained, "there are quite a lot of nasty people out there who might try to take the car away from us. They might even hurt us when they're doing it. Mike was in the army so he knows lots about keeping us safe but if he's going to do that we need to do exactly what we're told. Understand?"

They nodded. They still looked anxious but it was not the wide eyed terror of before.

"Thanks," Mike gave Susan a smile. "The front windows will be open so hats and gloves on. I want you," he nodded at me, "riding shotgun. Rifle out of the window and very visible. If I say 'shoot' don't bother aiming. You won't hit anything anyway from a moving vehicle. I just want the bang. Everyone clear?"

He looked around the group and met everyone's eye.

"Ok, seat belts," he said as he climbed into the driver's seat and I opened the garage door. "Let's see if this bad boy will start."

We held our breath as he turned the key in the lock. There was a slight cough from the engine but it didn't catch.

"That's ok, it does that sometimes," I said. "Give it a few seconds then try again."

The wait was insufferable but then Mike tried again... cough... splutter... then it sprang into life. I couldn't resist a small fist pump of celebration and Susan touched my shoulder.

"Let's go," Mike said and we drove off leaving the home that Mary and I had made together - leaving that part of my life - behind.

I don't know how Mike managed the first part of that drive. The only light came from the fire reflecting off the low clouds. I could just make out people tumbling out of their houses but we were past most of them before they could react.

One man jumped into the road in front of us waving both arms. Mike accelerated straight towards him. He jumped backwards, tripping over the kerb. We were past him and away.

A small group moved into the road carrying something heavy and Mike shouted "Shoot!" The sound of the gun echoed amongst the houses and again they scrambled back. Whatever they were carrying - maybe it was a dustbin - bounced off the Landy's front wing.

A shot rang out from Mike's side of the car. "Down!" he shouted. He drew his pistol and loosed a few shots in the general direction of the shooter.

I was shocked when Mike threw the car round a corner and sped up the driveway towards a local nature reserve built around two Victorian reservoirs. His plan became clear as he dashed through the gate and started tearing along the path besides the first reservoir. I hardly dared look. The path was narrow and there was a four foot drop to the water on my side.

"Hang on," I shouted. "It's a dead end!"

"Not anymore," Mike answered tersely.

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