Chapter 10 - Training

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The second round of training started a couple of days later on a raw spring morning and I had to wrap my arms round Susan to stop her from shivering as we waited for everyone to arrive. I had been disconcerted to find that she had been included in the program but, when I talked to Laura about it, she had reassured me that she was too valuable to be used as a grunt - but she would need to know what she was doing if she had to treat wounded when under fire.

Before long, Laura stood up in front of us and I reluctantly released Susan. "Hello," she began, and her quiet authority instantly silenced the group. "For those who don't know, my name's Corporal Laura McPherson and it's my job to make sure you don't get your heads shot off when the bullets start flying.

"Now, I spent a while as a training Corporal in the infantry, so I'm going to start by telling you what we're not going to be doing: we're not going to be worrying about keeping our kit cleaned and ironed; for most of you, we aren't going to be worrying about basic physical fitness; and we certainly aren't going to be doing square bashing. Most of that stuff was for finding out who's physically and mentally up to being in the army. Well, in this outfit, if you can walk a hundred yards and see the barn when you're stood in front of it, you're in.

"Part of that first bit of basic is getting you into the habit of doing what you're told, when you're told, how you're told but again, we don't have time for that. We'll just have to make do with what we've got. If you haven't got your motivation sorted out yet then you really haven't been paying attention. The lights went out about ten days ago and food stopped appearing in the supermarkets. In a couple of weeks, most of the population of the big cities hereabouts will be starving to death. They will be spreading out into the countryside and anyone who stands in there way will end up raped, killed or eaten... possibly all three."

Muttering in the ranks was quickly silenced by a stern glance. "Anyone want to bet against it?" Laura asked.

"I said, we won't be doing the whole barrack room inspection thing, and I couldn't care less whether your uniforms are cleaned and ironed but two things. Number one, 'a place for everything and everything in its place.' Other people may need to find that shovel or that first aid kit when the lead is flying. You will make it easy for them by keeping things in the right place. And, number two, all weapons will be kept spotless. A dirty weapon equals a misfire equals death. It's not going to happen."

"Any questions so far?" She paused and looked round the group.

"Ok, the boys and myself have assembled a little assault course for you. This is not really for fitness and coordination, though. It's about learning how to move when under fire. Ok, my glamorous assistant is about to demonstrate.

Samson set off at the run.

The first couple of training sessions went relatively smoothly. We were taught how to move under fire, how to handle the weapons we would be using and she introduced us to the tactics we would be using to defend the bridge.

It was about the fourth lesson when Laura eventually ran out of patience with Ashley. "I said 'get your arse down, girl, or you're going to get it shot off!'" she roared at her.

The girl dropped her rear and crawled properly for a few seconds but then it started creeping up again. Exasperated, Laura took her rifle, chambered a round and, after checking what was behind the girl, sent a bullet a couple of feet over the offending backside. Ashley screamed and flattened herself on the ground.

"Now, get moving," Laura said, with the rifle still aimed at a point just over Ashley's rear.

Trembling, Ashley completed the rest of the course in the approved fashion.

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