Ch. 4 Camp Day

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I was up early again for the big drive to camp and I was a bundle of nerves!  When we were finally down the road, I tried my best to stay awake.  Kansas had a really beautiful scenery.

It looked like something I would see in history class

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It looked like something I would see in history class.  As we got to Williamsburg and closer to camp, my heart was beating so fast, I thought it was going to burst out of my chest, "Danny?" He turned from his phone, "Yea?" I looked sheepishly at him, "Hug, please?"  Danny chuckled, "Okay, come here." he gave me a hard embrace. 

Then, we finally made it.  When we got there, we had to pray in first with the "Prayer Partners", but the first question before we could have prayer was, "Who's your camper." Danny leaned towards the driver's window and answered for them, "Lampwick! He's back here."  I blushed and gave them a nervous wave.  I noticed that their names were Jackie and Allie (they were wearing name tags), they smiled at me and waved back, "Hi, sweetie." Allie said through the window.  Prayer gave me a little more confidence as we got in the parking lot. 

When we got there, I had to get my own name tag, backpack, and our line placement.  The line placement is basically a certain mystery of the rosary and what place you had in line.  We were the Carrying of the Cross #1.  Mama even ordered the DVD so we could remember it, then Danny and I got to have some fun.  We were currently in the hanger and we spent most of our free time racing other kids in the inflatable obstacle course, even each other.  The staff member in charge, Casey, was being pretty funny about it.  He pretended he was a news reporter and said, "On the left we have.." My turn to answer, "Romeo, but call me Lampwick." "Annnnd. on the right we have...""Danny!"  "And they're off in 3,2,1, Go!" It was pretty hard to get through it, but I ended up making a clumsy first placing, landing on my face.  Casey was laughing his head off as I picked myself up, "You okay?" I sat up, "Yea, thanks.  Considering I haven't done something like this in forever."  

After about thirty minutes of waiting, Mama had to pull us out of line, "It's time to line up boys," She put her arm around me, "Come on, hon."  When we got there, I was feeling more excited than I ever felt before.  After we were clear on "no medications or special needs" and Mama bought me a new t-shirt, it was finally time to find my cabin and counselor.  We got in the line for boys, "Romeo called Lampwick (they put my real name in parantheses on my name tag), last name?" the staff member asked with a list in his hand (his name was David), "Bruno," I said.  He looked down the list, "Okay Lampwick, you are in Trinity and your counselor's name is Alec. Nervous?" He noticed my expression, "Yea, kinda.  I've just never been to a summer camp before."  He gave me a proud smile as he brushed his brown bangs out of his face, "Well, good for you, stepping out of your comfort zone.  Keep it up."  

We drove up to the Trinity cabin where Alec was waiting for me (although I was the last one to get there, so he was actually looking for me), "Okay, is Lampwick here?" (I was glad Mama had included my nickname in the sign-up).  Danny was getting my luggage from the back and he nudged me towards him, "Come on," he said, "Go say hi."  I walked up to him bashfully, "Yea, I'm here."  He looked down at me and gave me a huge smile, "This is great! More new friends!" He shook my hand and led me in,  he seemed to be a pretty swell guy.  He led me, Mama, and Danny to my room that was already being shared by three others: Sam, Brian, and Jack.  Danny dropped my luggage next to my bunk, then it was time for them to leave.  After a few hugs and kisses from them, Danny gave me one more hug, "Have an awesome time, I can't wait to hear about everything, and I know you're gonna be just fine."  He ruffled my hair, "I love you, little mister." I grinned, "I love you big mister."  Then, he left.  It then came to my realization that the others had seen this.  I started to blush, but they were understanding about it, "You close with your brother?" Sam asked as he got off his bunk and came up to me, "Yea, we've done that for a long time.Uh...My name's Lampwick."  Sam gave me a smile and shook my hand, "I'm Sam, and this is Brian and Jack."  Jack waved from above me, "How's it goin', dude?"  Slowly, I was starting to feel better.  Nobody seemed to think the worse of me for being attached to Danny and they all seemed to think I was pretty good.

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