Welcome to the Happy Hotel!

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You had three total impressions.

1. Charlie was nice enough.

2. So was Vaggie.

3. Angel dust was a pain the ass.

Over your years of living in hell, you had gained quite the reputation and quite the friend group. Enduring many decades of frequent exterminations and perverts who got a little too close for comfort. But oh how you missed your family--even though you knew they were all in heaven instead of here, but, you still felt happy for them.

You wouldn't wish this fate upon anyone.

Not that it was terrible to live here per se...but the place had its pros and cons.

Over time, you had picked up a more...modern way of living, even dropping your heavy southern accent. Things sure had changed since your initial death. It was a breeze thinking of it now. For the longest time, you'd get shivers whenever you thought of it. But every demon in hell had arrived in some way or another, and everyone made peace with it, so you had too. 

(Time skip)

"Charlie, come on, your song wasn't that bad! I liked it...I saw people bouncing along..." Vaggie cooed to her distressed lover.
"Well...I wouldn't go so far as to say that..." you muttered under your breath, ignoring the vicious glare from Vaggie.
Angel just rolled his eyes and continued to play with the limo windows, the jackass. The car fell into a tense silence, as Vaggie narrowed her eyes at the amused spider, digging her nails into her flesh. It wasn't pretty.
"Vaggs..." you cautioned.
it was no use.
Angel paused, looking over.


"What? WHAT?! WHAT WERE YOU DOING?" Vaggie screeched, pulling at her hair.

"Ugh, I owed my girl-buddy a solid! Isn't that a redeeming quality? Helping friends with stuff?" He rolled his eyes, clearly not taking it seriously. You decided to sit back and watch it unfold. 

"Not with turf wars that result in territorial GENOCIDE!" The female shot back, just as fiery. 

"Eh, you win some, you lose a few hundred" he giggled maniacally, continuing to play with the window. "It wasn't that bad anyway..." he trailed off, leaning back.

You pinched the bridge of your nose, watching it play out. And three people arguing would just frustrate Charlie more...poor girl...
You widened your eyes as Vaggie hurled a knife at the window button, narrowing her eyes at the frightened Angel Dust.
He sighed "Ahh come on I had to! My credibility was on the line...I mean what kind of reputation would I have if people found out I was tryna go clean? It just throws out my entire persona..." he smirked, fluffing up his boobs. You snorted. How could one be that much of a prick? And why's he worried about his reputation, it was the hotel that he affected. 

Apparently Vaggie had the same thoughts because the next minute she was screaming back at him, 
"Your credibility? What about the hotels? Your little stunt made us look like a fucking joke!"
"Couldn't have said it better myself..." You grumbled, crossing your legs.
He scoffed "no no no babe~ jokes are funny! I made you look...sad...and pathetic! Like an orphan...with no arms, or legs..." he paused, and you briefly saw Charlie flinch.

"With progeria!"

You smacked your head.

"Great! Now I'm bummed thinkin' about it..." His attention span cracked. "does this thing have any liquor?"
He stretched out, searching the cupboards and cabinets. "Can you please just try to take this seriously?" Vaggie said, exasperated.
"Fine, I'll try. Just don't get your taco in a twist baby~"
You snickered, earning a sharp glare from the Salvadoran.

"You're the bastard who killed me!" (Alastor/Reader)Where stories live. Discover now