plot soon i promise

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(Your POV)

Cracking open your eyes, the first thing you registered was the splitting headache, and the memories.

Turning your head over to the side, you looked for alastor. When he wasn't there, a pang of sadness shot though you, but you shook it off, opting to sit up instead.

Groaning, you coughed and held your head, falling back into the pillow.
Alastors head popped out of the bath room, a surprised look crossing his face.

"Morning sunshine, sleep well?" he grinned, walking over with what looked like a wet wash cloth and advil.

"Fuck you, what happened?" you said half-heartedly, taking the advil and sitting up, reaching for a glass on your dresser.

Popping three of the pills, you swallowed with a grimace, taking the cloth he held out to you and placing it on your head.

Hopping over your body, alastor laid right next to you on the bed, still smirking evilly.

"Spider boy showed up in my room last night and threw you at me, you were...emotional."

Nodding your head and cringing
"So i'm an emotional drunk. Huh. I never knew"
Alastor tilted his head "Never knew? What about the time you left all those hickies on me? That was you being drunk" he pointed out, stroking your hair.

I mean the writer screwed that part up. i remember when i woke up and had a few drinks with alastor, the hickey chapter. This writer sucks. You thought to yourself, internally rolling your eyes. Sloppy work, it was a wonder anyone even read this.

"Well, i've never gotten so drunk i can't remember what happened the night before." You said, poking him absentmindedly. Alastor just wrapped his arms around you "You were adorable last night, You cried and giggled. It was a wild ride" he sighed.

Groaning, you wrinkled your nose "I cried? Jesus, what am i, thirteen?"

"It's not your fault, i'm surprised Angel let you have an Aftershock, that's a pretty heavy drink." he mused, nestling into the crook of your shoulder.

Sighing "Remind me not to go out with angel. You should come next time—we should have a night out" you smiled, already hatching a plan to see Alastor drunk.

"Like a date? Wow, such a sap." he bemused, smirking.

Elbowing him in the side, you pouted "Shut up, why can't i spend time with you other than in a bed?"

"Are you implying something?"


Pushing him away, you turned over, wincing at the wave of pain that attacked your brain. "Kinky bastard, you're almost as bad as Angel Dust!"

He pressed his side closer to you, grinning evilly. "Tsk tsk, someone's being naughty." he chastised, biting at your neck roughly.

Stifling a giggle, you huffed a reply.

"Overgrown deer pimp. Strawberry shortcake. stripper pole" you grumbled, feeling the kisses stop abruptly.

"Stripper pole? You wish, darling" he purred seductively in your ear. Crossing your arms, you pulled away. "You're tall!"

"I bet you wish you could use me as such"

"aAUGH STOP IT RIGHT NOW MR, THATS ENOUGH CUDDLES FOR YOU" you screeched, feeling your face flush up unwillingly.

He laughed sinisterly.

"You're precious!"

"and you're an asshole!"

"You're the bastard who killed me!" (Alastor/Reader)Where stories live. Discover now