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he can't really believe it came down to this

all of his shitty actions causing louis to take his own life.

he cried all the way over to their -- louis' place.

and he ended up kicking the door down;

not even checking if it was unlocked,

which it had been, but he didn't realize.

the entire how was too eerily quiet,

and he hated it.

he walked into their once shared bedroom, and he looked at the bed,

and all he saw, was a little black book.

one of his journals he never filled out.

there was a blue post-it on the front of it.

before he looks,

he falls onto the bed,

inhaling louis.

or what was left of him.

the journal

is clutched to his chest.

he look at the ceiling

wondering where louis is.

maybe he's in the bathroom,

he doesn't want to know.

he thinks it would break him.

the post it note says simply

"for harry."

he opens the journal.

and he reads.

he's been reading for however many hours.

maybe only two,

but it feels like an eternity.

and he reaches the last page that's

filled in.


this is it.

isn't it?

where everything ends?

i guess you could say that.

or it's a new begninning.

depends on how you look at it.

i don't know how you'll feel about me

leaving and all that.

if you'll feel anything at all.

but you know.

before i leave, i want you to know that i'm

gonna forgive you.

because i can forgive

but i'll never forget.

and nothing will ever stop me

from loving you.

and i may be cliche, but i've never loved

anything as much as you.

thank you for saving me

and ultimately,

destroying me.

i want you to realize that you didn't

know that this was going to happen,

so i don't think that it's your fault.

although i probably contradict that

statement 348237592835 times in this book.

which i found in a box in a closet.

but oddly enough, i get a feeling you left it there.

i may be wrong.

but it's better than screaming at the walls

which even they remind me of you.

(which i did that too.)

and yeah.

i called you, about a minute ago.

and you answered.

i missed your voice.

you asked why i called.

and i told you simply:

"i'm ending it all"

to which you replied.

"oh god lou; don't do anything.

i'll be right over."

so yeah;

you'll be here too soon.

so i have to go right now.

so i will.

here we go.

new horizons.

goodbye harry.

i'll love you,




the end

after he shut the book,

harry wanders around the house,

looking for his louis.

or, well, his once upon a time


and he is no where to be found.

and then harry realizes it.

'i'm going to leave'

'new horizons'

he didn't kill himself.

he ran away.

making the escape that harry

had promised him

all that time ago.

and harry smiles.

he really does.

and he walks back into the bedroom,

finding a pen.

and he opens the journal to

the last filled in page,

right where louis wrote

the end

and he simply added one thing,

that changed it all.

and then he smiled again.

"is it really the end lou?

is it really?"

the end?

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