night twenty seven

840 109 4

i guess i was never good enough, was i harry?

and i feel that i'm hanging dangerously low,

the lowest i've felt yet.

because i've come to the realization that you've moved on,

and i can't do anything about it now because i'm so broken.

i'm at the same uni,

and you're still a goddammed model for my art class.

you see me. but don't meet my eyes.


i'm taking it just like i did in high school, when i first loved you.

it's been a long time...

how can you throw all of it away?

was i too ugly?

was i too fat?

why couldn't you just fucking tell me?

why can't you come back?

why can't i leave?

i found myself looking at my window, not ten minutes ago


and i saw a bird.

you know, that bird that always ran into

the window.

and we would laugh?

yeah, that one.

it's still here.

and i wonder why it doesn't fly away,

to whereever it wants to go.

because it can.

and then, i asked myself the same


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