part 1 (the beginning)

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My name Jim Smith, right now I'm laying face down in wet muddy leaves with a M16 assault rifle by my side and mutant pugs sniffing around looking for me. If you are wondering what I'm doing with mutant pugs trying to kill me and why, this is what happened.
I woke up about two weeks ago at about 6:30am Monday morning and I thought it was a bit strange how quiet it was, so I went and got dressed, and had breakfast, time for work I thought to my self ( I worked at a gun shop) as I walked out of my house and closed the door behind me. I got on my Harley and revved the engine and sped off to work, it was funny though I didn't pass one other car as I drove to work, what has happened I thought to my self yet Again as i walked, Into the gun shop and picked up a 12 gauge Shot gun off one of the racks and loaded it and went To walk out side only to get to the glass door and stop dead in my tracks. On the outer side of the glass door was a huge and I mean huge army of pugs drooling onto to the pavement, ohh no I thought to myself as I retreated back as the pugs started throwing themselves at the door. I picked a M16 assault rifle and ammo for both the shot gun and the M16. and slowley walked towards the ladder that led up to the rooftop.

3 days later

im starting to get worried now I've been living of cold tinned bake beans for three days on the rooftop, and I'm starting to run low on food and water. the pugs are still waiting out side i think that a few outer people are still alive because i've seen lights on in some of the buildings in the city. but they are to far away to reach at the moment but im going to have to go and get food tonight. it is twelve at night now and im ready to go i have two m16s with me and a twelve gage shotgun with me as well ammo for both. jim swore under his breath as he walked towards the door. the pugs were still there. oh well its now or never jim said to himself as he got on his Harley, and drive through to glass door. blood, pugs and glass was flying through the air as jim crashed through the door on his bike. jim speed down empty streets all around him, jim shivered at the thought of all of thoes people that 4 days before would all around him. but now there was nothing but the cold breeze on the back of his neck, his Harley and thousands of bloodthirsty pugs that were after him. jim sped his bike up and crashed through the front doors of a Wollworths. glass and metal flew around him with a piece of metal about the size of his hand flew into his shoulder and left the jaggerd end sticking out the back of his shoulder! ahh jim grunted as he pulled the piece of metal out of his shoulder leaving a hole that was pouring blood onto the White tiles he was standing on. jim crawled out from under his bike, he was laying on the ground in an abandoned wollworths. jim stumbled down an isle but the pain from the hunger and his bleeding shoulder and stumbled into a rack of chips. and then everything went black.


jim woke up in a dark room on a hard uncomfortable bead, jim tried to sit up but his head started spinning and he fell back onto a pillow beneath his head. 'ugh' jim mumbled as his vision cleared, there was a thin stream of light pouring out of a barred window roughly twenty five feet above his head, jim looked around the room he was in there was a toilet and sink in one corner, a low wooden bench lining the outer wall and there was a grate about the size of fridge with chipped concrete around it. jim reached over to his shoulder which had been stitched and bandaged up. just then the door of the cell opened and a man walked in and handed him two slices of bread and butter; a thin porridge with a metal butter knife and spoon. 'thanks' jim mumbled to the man who bought the food in. ' well you need to be in good health soon because you are getting transferred to a maximum security prison in two days' explained the man. ohh jim mumbled, as the man walked out of hisn cell and closed the door with a big CLUNCK. jim picked up the knife and slid out of his bead and started chipping the concrete around the grate in the floor.

jim had finally chipped away enough concrete to pull the metal grate up out of the floor. as jim pulled the grate up he heard someone outside of his cell unlocking the door, jim hurriedly threw the grate to the side and leaped into the darkness bellow. just then a man carrying a plate of food walked into the room took one glance down at the missing grate and called for the guards.

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