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How they'd got into this situation, J had no idea.

The rogue. The rogue had been waiting for them.

Briefly, J wondered if the rogue had somehow caused their flat tyre, but the thought was lost as a giant paw swiped for her. She threw herself backwards, but not quick enough. The tips of his claws caught her arm which sent a scream from her lips.

She couldn't see Caleb anymore. Last she'd seen him he'd been hurtling through the air, unconscious. She couldn't let herself wonder if he was dead, didn't have time to think about it.

Callie. She didn't know what had happened to her either. She'd told J to run, and ignoring all her normal instincts, J had done so, but here the rogue was – and there was no Callie, which meant only one thing. Again, another thing J didn't want to think about.

J span the blades in both of her hands, keeping her stance loose and remaining on the balls of her feet. If she was going down, she was going to take this monster with her, just like she'd promised.

She didn't recognise the wolf at all, sure she couldn't scent him properly due to the lack of her wolf, but there was nothing telling J she'd ever met this wolf before.

It wasn't until she'd seen him that she'd acknowledged the part of her that thought – hoped – that maybe, just maybe the rogue was Logan.

Trying not to mourn the brother she'd just found, the packmate she adored or the mate she'd just admitted she'd lost, J focused all of her attention on the rogue, hunting him for a sign of weakness or distraction.

His eyes glowed blood read, his lips pulled back to showcase rows of rust-tinted teeth. All the better to eat her with.

The rogue lunged and J jabbed the knife into his side. He howled and reared back, his eyes completely misted by his need for blood. He drooled and flinched, a rabid beast if she'd ever seen one. People thought she looked like this?! If she'd had the time, she'd have been insulted.

Blood leaked from his side, but he charged her again, J darted to the left trying to catch him off guard again and get him in the other side but, too late, J realised that he'd learnt the move.

J's arm was already arching towards him, as his paw slashed out tearing across the soft flesh of her abdomen. Burning agony lanced through her body as all of the air left her in one long whoosh.

She fell to her knees and sunk backwards until her eyes faced the sky. A low growl near her ear let her know that this was it – she was about to die. He was about to tear her throat out and leave her here to die, and there was nothing she could do about it. The most frustrating part, was that J hadn't even kept her promise. She'd gone down but hadn't managed to take him with her.

As though in a parting gift from the universe, as darkness clouded J's vision, a familiar scent wrapped around her. "Logan," she whispered as a flash of fur soared across the night sky.


Part 1 of a double update today...

Things are looking a little lethal for J...

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