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J had nearly died a number of times in her life.

Each time it was the same. Gripping panic, followed by the slightest hint of relief. This time, however, was different. This time, as Logan's crazed form barrelled towards her, regret was her only thought.

Regret that she hadn't found him sooner. That she'd thought another was her mate. That she hadn't begged him to stay. That she'd been too scared to go and find him. That she'd found him and it was too late to save him, to save her.

So many regrets for such a short life. So many words left unsaid.

So, as Logan headed for her, no doubt with clawed hands outstretched and no trace of the silver eyed marvel she'd met in the forest all those years ago, J said the only words she had left to offer him, "I could have loved you, Logan Black. I would have loved you, Mate."

And she said it with nothing but truth in her heart, because quite easily she could have loved him; the man, the beast. Loved him despite his flaws, for his flaws. Loved him for who he was, and who he could have been. Who they could have been.


It had been months – he thought – since he'd last seen her. Since he'd last caught her scent. His wolf had been in charge, Logan completely lost to the sickness, he was so lost he thought he'd never come back.

But here he was. A spectator in a body that once belonged to him. Why he'd come back, at first he wasn't sure, but then he'd seen her.

Of course she'd woken him. He could be dead for a hundred years but would still fight his way back for one final chance to see her.

Goddess, she looked different. Still as beautiful as the first time he'd laid eyes on her dancing beneath the moon, though no where near as free.

She smelt different now, her scent twisted – wrong somehow, but it was still her and she was still his.

She was pinned beneath his wolf's body, spine forced to the floor. His wolf growled in her face, snarling the same sentiment over and over again – the same word that had woken Logan from wherever he'd been; 'mine'.

Her words still rung in his ears, 'I could have loved you," what she didn't seem to realise is that he already loved her.

Sure, he had wanted her since the moment he saw her, but he'd loved her since the moment she took out that first pack. Loved her as she became the reluctant alpha to her pack, loved her as she strode into this room to face him. Loved her, unequivocally and without limit. If he died...if she died...he'd loved her even then. He'd love her for as long as she'd allow him to.

Logan begged his wolf to relinquish control. Begged him not to hurt the woman they loved – their mate, but his wolf was broken beyond repair. If the sickness hadn't been enough then the imprisonment had.

He didn't even mean this prison - or the silver chains that bound him. No. In comparison to where he'd been, this was a luxury. He wouldn't even get a chance to warn her about the rogue, to tell her what those wolves were doing. He wouldn't get the chance to warn his own pack, her pack – everyone. They all needed to know what was happening, needed to stop it.

But Logan knew, as his wolf lowered his teeth towards J's neck, that he wouldn't get the chance to warn anyone – or to save J, because his wolf was about to kill her.

'I'm sorry J.'


"I'm sorry, J," J knew she'd imagined the words as they drifted through her mind. She knew she was hoping that's what the snarling beast above her was saying. She knew that hope was futile.

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