Bonus Chapter

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Ask & ye shall receive!

@AppleBagonia requested a chapter from the POV from the alpha of the Rivermoon pack, and you go...

This is a one-off bonus update! :D

Hope you enjoy...

So much blood.

He smiled a deep, cavernous smile, his wolf following suit. Tied to a chair and barely breathing, he couldn't work out why so many people have feared this she-wolf.

He should have killed her that day at the Blazer pack. It had cost him dearly not to. That other she-wolf, she'd stuck her nose in and stopped him from doing so. Maybe once he was finished with this one, he'd track her down. Make her pay too.

It was a shame really, that this one didn't have her wolf any longer, though part of him was relieved, but if she'd still had her wolf she would have made a good breeder. Strong pups. What every alpha needed.

Maybe once he'd finished, once he'd inflicted enough pain to get his point across, one she'd told him all she knew of the blasted Rootbridge pack, maybe then he'd let some of his more trusted packmates have her.

Not to breed, not this one. Her weakness was not something he wanted in his pack, but that didn't mean they couldn't have some fun. She looked like a woman who could take a-

A growl slid across the room, over his skin, leaving goosebumps in its quake. His hand froze around the the hilt of the blade he'd selected.

He was going to slice her apart. Flay her skin from her body. Anything to prove to his people that he was fit to lead.

But that growl. That shouldn't - couldn't be possible. That growl had promised a fate much worse than death.

He turned slowly, eyes wary as they took in the slumped she-wolf. Her body was bruised, broken - but hadn't there been a deep cut where only a scratch remained on her face?

He took a step towards her, his wolf whining in his body as though he could see something the man couldn't.

Another step and his wolf began to riot beneath his skin.

And then she moved. Her head snapping up, golden eyes locking on to his. He thought he might piss himself with the fear that ricocheted through his body.

"But-but that''s impossible..." He breathed.

Although he'd gone numb, his wolf knew what to do. Survive. Turning, he lunged for the door as the she-wolf burst from her restraints and her wrath was set upon his pack.


Did she keep him alive on purpose? Did she maim him but leave him breathing so that he would witness her revenge?

He'd made it to the hallway before long claws dragged down his spine, severing his ability to run. He hadn't even had a chance to transform. Now he was unable to move - to even really talk. He knew his life was leeching from him with every heartbeat but he was finding it very hard to care. He wanted death, prayed for it - anything but this.

His guards rushed forwards, their wolves coming to the surface, but it was pointless. Useless. They were all doomed.

She barrelled straight into the first, teeth wrapping around his neck and tearing his throat in a well practised move.

His stomach rolled and he may have vomited, as he watched her use the body of the first wolf as a spring board onto the second.

Now he understood. Understood why they called her rabid. Now he understood what a fool he'd been - and how he'd been let off easy that day at Blazer pack. So had his old alpha.

He'd received a quick death, an easy death. This was anything but. With the tattered remains of four wolves at her feet, the she-wolf turned towards him, teeth bared.

He barely had time to let out a whimper before she pounced, but she didn't kill him - no, that would be too pleasant. She grabbed him by the back of his neck, holding it between her teeth, like a mother might carry her cub, and dragged his human form out towards the sunlight.

His pack had sensed the pain and fear via the packlink and had come running. But that was what she wanted, that was why she kept him alive, wasn't it? If he'd died, the packlink would be severed and would transfer to his beta who wouldn't know what was happening in this prison.

She'd let him live long enough for his entire pack to gather to defend their alpha. It was in their nature.

As she shoved open the door and trotted outside, him hanging from her teeth like a dead weight, there was a moment of shock, of quiet calm before the inevitable storm.

He noticed his beta. The biggest fool of them all. Sent out to get the Rootbridge child, he'd come back with a wolf in sheep's clothing.

For the first time, he truly saw this she-wolf for what she was. Cunning. Deadly. His executioner.

She dropped him to the ground, their eyes meeting for a moment before all hell broke lose.

As her teeth neared his throat, he stilled and let it happen - let her end him - let her end the pain.

Silently, he begged her for forgiveness.

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