Untitled Part 1

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Dianne happily nuzzled into Amy's side as the tour bus continued its fairly gentle journey towards their next destination. She had been more hyperactive earlier, pointing out landmarks and other cars and basically anything that took her interest whilst it was still light enough outside to do so. 

Amy had found that Nadiya gave the redhead some of her skittles earlier and this was most likely the reason for the hyperactivity and sugar rush. The brunette threatened to feed Luba a jaffa cake before their coach journey back, especially as this was the longest leg to get up into Scotland. Nadiya had simply mumbled some slovenian insult at her, though it backfired when Luba happily repeated it. Amy couldn't help but giggle as she watched her friend trying to explain to her little girl about not repeating naughty words.

 For her part, Dianne was now behaving quite well. She quietly sat on Amy's lap, sucking on her paci rather than her thumb which was a small victory in itself. She liked being able to bring her daughter on the tour with her, plus she had a support network in which she could trade tips with the other parents like Nadiya and Janette. To their credit the pros who didn't have children yet were great with it too and would sometimes offer to babysit or play with the little ones before the show or during a day off. 


Amy always joked that she didn't need an alarm, since she had a Dianne who would wake her up reliably every single morning. Sometimes she would grumble or complain, though mostly it was in jest. If it was too early or she just needed an extra five minutes, she was guilty of just handing the girl her kid tablet which contained shows and games she would engross herself in for a little while so that Amy could get some extra sleep. Rarely she would use the same trick if she just needed some time for herself but she tried not to do that too often. Amy rolled over to check the time, deciding that it was a suitable hour she stretched out and then ticked Diannes belly. The girl laughed happily and she couldn't help but smile too, reaching to kiss her forehead.

 "Morning baby" she greeted and Dianne laughed again, squirming away from her grasp. 

"Mama let's go! Let's go swim! Swim today mama!" Dianne hopped off the bed and jumped up and down happily, already in her cute Disney swimming costume which had been a present from Janette. She had gotten the kids matching costumes before they went on tour and they all loved them. Amy yawned and got herself out of bed, settling her sticking out hairs with her hands. 

"Look! Mama! Did it myself!" Dianne grinned proudly, looking very proud of herself stood there in her swimming gear.

 "All by yourself eh? That's my big girl, well done baby" Amy praised her and watched as the girls smile grew wider, laughing softly.

 "Can you get your swim bag? I'll get changed and then we will head down to the spa" Amy said. Dianne nodded and raced off to get her drawstring bag. Amy got herself dressed and changed, putting a light top on over her bathing suit she looked over to see some curious and definitely non swim related objects being packed into Diannes swim bag

 "Baby, I dont think you need the plastic dinosaurs at the pool" 

"But they're never seen water!" Dianne responded indignantly. Amy checked the bag and to be fair she at least had a towel in there which was the main thing along with a swim hat and goggles so she let that slide.

 "Okay baby let's go" she said, after putting a long shirt onto Dianne for the trip downstairs to the pool and checking she had sandals on too. Once they reached the spa, Dianne raced on ahead once she saw Janette and Karen and Luba on some nearby sunbeds. Amy reminded her to be careful in case the floor was slippy and walked over. 

She greeted them, wondering where Nadiya was. Luba was asleep on the lounger next to Janette, so when Dianne came crashing in she gently told her she needed to be quiet, she then explained the situation.

 "Nadiya got sick during the night, thankfully Luba knew that she needed to ring someone and in the end Pasha helped them and got things sorted out. But she's currently resting in their room, Luba said she was okay and still wanted to come so we brought her down with us though shes been very sleepy and I worry in case she starts with a fever" 

Amy very gently rested a hand on Luba's forehead to check her temperature, the girl seemed a little warm but not too bad so she would just keep an eye. She looked so peaceful asleep but she soon stirred at the touch, to which Amy tried to soothe her. "Sorry I woke you darling, I just wanted to make sure you're not gettin sick" Amy told her and Luba sniffled unhappily. 

"Mama is sick" she said with watery eyes, reaching her arms up to Amy after a moment. The brunette checked that Dianne was ok first, she was currently sat talking with Janette & Karen so she gently sat down on Lubas sun lounger and moved the girl onto her lap, gently stroking her hair as the girl whined. "I know it's scary when mommy isn't well but shes gonna be okay soon, she just needs some rest in order to make her better" Amy explained as she gently rocked the girl in her arms.

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