Part 3

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Flashback to the start of the tour

(this part also mentions past abuse but doesn't go into detail)

They all had to get a doctors check up before the start of the tour, it was just standard procedure since they would be spending a lot of time in close contact and so if anyone were to get sick it could spread quite quickly and make a large portion of them sick which was obviously no good when they had a big show to perform.

Thankfully, the medical team were very nice. Karen and Janette went first. Janette didn't find medical stuff too bad herself and generally Karen was a good kid so they didn't have many problems. Janettes check went quickly and she sat closely as she watched Karen get check over to comfort her little girl. She was doing well though, the girl did seem to become a little stressed when it came to getting her flu shot, though Janette mostly just put that down to the way kids were always fussy about their shots. She moved over to the table, with a go ahead from the doctor she lifted Karen up onto her lap, holding her closely to her chest.
"Last little bit, mi chica, then we can go have fun" she said, kissing the top of her head.

"Jus' a poke, right mama?" Karen said, looking up at her

"That's right baby, just a little poke and it's all done" Janette confirmed, holding her closely and cuddling her as the doctor did the injection. Once it was over, they could leave and the next four all came in at once.

Nadiya was juggling a very distressed looking Luba, who was always the worst patient out of anyone since she got scared a lot by the medical instruments and the doctors. Amy and Dianne walked in behind them, holding hands and Dianne was being temporarily distracted by watching a video on Amy's phone.
The doctor could tell Luba was extremely distressed, even as Nadiya kept stopping her from running off and trying to soothe her as best she could. She looked over to her assistant who got the girl a blanket as she knew this often helped to calm her. Luba was still running around but this time Amy managed to catch her.

"Its okay Luba, its gonna be ok" Amy comforted the girl. They all knew why she was so terrified, as in the past before Nadiya adopted her she had been through horrific abuse. Thankfully she was safe now and everyone was so great with looking after her, making sure she was okay and she was slowly making progress with therapy. Luba looked up at her with glossed over eyes, the fear was clear to see and it felt like she was having some sort of a flashback to the horrific events she had gone through. Eventually she got one word out - "mama"

"Mamas over here look, shall we go over to her?" Amy said, pointing to Nadiya who gave her little girl a small wave and gently beckoned her over. Luba looked back at Amy and lifted her arms up, wanting to be carried. The brunette obliged, carrying the little one over to Nadiya and carefully placing her onto the blondes lap before her focus shifted back to her own little redhead who had gone to sit in the chair all by herself.

"Wow, who's my big girl huh? I'm so proud of you" she said, talking over to kiss Diannes forehead who giggled happily.

"Gotta show bubba itsh not that scary so she'll be happy" Dianne said with a proud smile and Amy smiled back at her.

"That's very good of you baby, very grown up. Thank you for being such a good example" Amy praised her, kissing her again and settling down in the seat next to her as the doctor began to check her over. She could hear some pained whines from Luba who was sat in the corner with her the blanket draped over her, however at least the girl seemed to be calming down and Nadiya was gently talking with her.

The doctor got Diannes check up over fairly quickly but once he started getting the shots ready the redhead suddenly jumped up onto Amy's lap. She simply gave her a small smile and kissed her cheek, reassuring her as the doctor did both of their shots. Amy felt the needle resting on her upper arm but it was merely a short sharp pain and then it was done. She breathed a sigh of relief though she knew that the hardest part was now coming and she did not envy Nadiya one bit.

Nadiya got up from her seat and crouched down by her little one.

"Baby, it looks like it is going to be our turn now" Nadiya told the girl softly, she hated how the fear suddenly flashed across Lubas face and wanted to just pick her up and carry her away from here but she couldn't, she knew that it was important but it was hard to see the stress that it caused her little one. She picked the girl up sans blanket and sat down in one of the chairs with Luba sat on her lap.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2019 ⏰

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