Goodbyes Hurt

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"Hello there um are you Katlin Summers?" I looked at him weird "Um yes? Who's asking?" He walked over I saw he looked like me "Well I'm Tristian Gale and I'm your brother."


I looked at him and laughed "I never had siblings I was an only child." he looked at me and shook his head and walked closer to me "that's what she wants you to think. Your so called mother kidnapped you in a park you where two and your name isn't Kaitlin it's Hunter Winters." I shook my head "no that's not possible she is my real mom she has my birth certificate she gave birth on August 8, 1996!" he shook his head "She's lying to you Harley you were born February 23, 1996." I shook my head "okay umm Tristan is it please leave me alone and don't talk to me okay because you're feeding me bull shit." I rolled my eyes and went back into the building. Before I went in Tristan grabbed my wrist "Please let me explain over cup of coffee please i am telling you the truth." I huffed "fine I'll listen but don't expect me to believe you because I know you are lying" He nodded his head "thank you I'll see you tomorrow at the Starbucks around the corner okay?" I nodded and went back inside




I was sitting in the hallway and thinking about what I was going to say to Jordan. I kissed his best friend and I might have just ruined their friendship. well I don't want to do that because that's wrong so maybe I'm going to apologies and not get in between them. When I went inside I saw a heart breaking sight in front of me. Jordan breaking down right in front of me. He was crying so much. "Am I not good enough for you Kate? Is that why you choose Will and not me? Please just tell me what I'm doing wrong." I walked over and sat next to him and I held his hand "Jordan there's nothing wrong with you and You are


Hey Café girl so when do you want to go back home?

I smiled at the text and then I heard a knock on the door I saw his head poke in. "Hey I just want you to know what ever you do that I will be there no matter what." I smiled then I remembered that guy who says he's my 'brother and I had to tell someone "Jordan?" He loos at me "Yes?" Looking at him and just scared to tell him "I have a brother." He looks at me like I was crazy "I'm not crazy Jordan his name is tristan and he said I was kidnapped when I was little and my name really isn't Kate Summers it's Hunter Winters." He looks down "Well I know Hunter is your name but I didn't know tou had a brother." I looked at him "You knew about this?" He looked at me and covered his mouth then he spoke up "Hunter listen to me it was for your own good." I shook my head "Don't call me that! My name isn't Hunter it's Kate Grace Summers." He looked at me "Hu-Kate listen to me you were not kidnapped you were taken away from your other mother because she couldn't handle taking care og another child."

I looked at him and got up "Where are you going this late at night?!" I turned around "Out!" I slammed the door and I just needed to just walk and blow off some steam.




Three hours Later

Wills POV

I was about to fall asleep but then I heard my phone ring I grabbed it from the side table I looked at the number and it unknown so I just ignored it. I saw they left a voice mail I went to go listen to it "Wil answer your damn phone Kates in the hospital she's..gone they couldn't do anything to help her if you want to see her you better come do it now." She's gone. No thats not suppose to happen. I got out of bed and switched out of my pjs and I slipped on some clothes. I grabbed my phone and called her phone and it went to voice mail "Hey it's Kate..." "AND WILL." I heard her laugh and it broke me "Well if I don't Answer I'm either working or with my best friend Will so leave a message BYEEEEEE" I called it three more times.




When I got to the hospital I asked the lady where her room was and She told me "Family only'. I shook my head "I'm her boyfriend so please let me see her." she sighed "Room 109." I ran down the hall and I found the room and her but Jordan was nowhere to be found. I pulled out a chair and sat next to her "Hey Cafe girl." I looked at her lifeless body "I just wanted to say good bye and that I love you. I don't know if you're listening to me of not somewhere but you mean the world to me and nothing will ever change that. Well I guess this is good bye Kate." I kissed her forehead and left.

Book one: Café Girl Kiingtong fanfic [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now