Chapter 1

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A.N: Hi everyone! So this is my first HP fanfiction. I absolutely love Draco Malfoy. Though he has a complex nature in the book/film, we readers/viewers can't help but fall in love with him.

Before starting, I would like to make it clear, that I don't own any of the characters here. Only 'Capriana Addington' is my creation here. This is in an AU.

Hope you enjoy it! :)

I originally posted this story on You all can follow me there, if you wish to. My UserID there is same as here.


Chapter 1

Christmas was finally here. Draco Malfoy got up excited, with a huge smile on his face. But it soon vanished when he realized that only this time he wasn't home for the holiday. His parents had gone for a vacation in Europe. His father, Lucius Malfoy, told him that it was an important business tour and he could accompany them when he was old and wise enough. Draco couldn't understand. He had turned 17 this year. Then how the bloody hell was he not old enough? Just for once in his life, he wanted his father to treat him like a grown up. It was his favorite time of the year and he felt awful to not be with his mother today. The only person whom he loved and the only person who loved him unconditionally. Narcissa did plead Lucius to allow Draco to come along with them, but she didn't ask more than twice because she knew he always has the last say in everything.

He was lost in his thoughts when suddenly there was a huge knock on his door. "Oi Malfoy! Get up and come down for unwrapping the presents." It was Crabbe. He sighed. How boring! Christmas in Hogwarts is the worst nightmare. He came down and wished everyone a forceful "Happy Christmas". He looked around. Almost all of them had gone home. This thought made him even more sick. He unwrapped his presents. He had got a beautiful ruby ring from his mother. An antique Wizard Chess from Goyle. A coat with 'Slytherin Prince' printed on it from Crabbe. A scarf from Pansy. There were a few more gifts from his relatives. His father had not sent him anything. He just didn't know what to feel anymore. How busy could he be, that he couldn't even send his son a Christmas present? A single drop of tear rolled down his cheek. No, he couldn't stay there longer. He couldn't show this side of 'Draco Malfoy' to anyone.

As he got up to go back to his dormitory, his eyes fell on a brown-haired girl, sitting alone, curled up on the couch. Capriana Addington. She was smiling looking at her gifts. Capriana was a Muggle-born. Nobody ever understood why and it came as a shock when she got sorted out into Slytherin. She didn't have the slightest hint of meanness and nastiness, like a Slytherin, in her. Instead, she was just the opposite. Kind, sweet, innocent, helpful and also very intelligent. Draco had never seen such a down-to-earth person like her in his life. It was as though, all the goodness in the world resided in her. She was popular amongst everyone in the school, except her own people. The Slytherins. They hated her because she was the only 'odd-one-out'. She had no Slytherin friends and nobody wanted to share the dormitory with her. Quite likely, she grew closer to the Gryffindors. The golden trio were her closest buddies. Something that made them hate her even more.

A flashback rushed across his mind.

It was during her first week in Hogwarts. Everyone in the common room was talking about the girl who had been 'accidentally' sorted into Slytherin. Surely, this was the eighth time, the Sorting Hat had made a mistake. Suddenly, a curly-haired girl entered the room. All the chattering stopped. Piercing eyes were staring at her. Draco was sitting crossed legs on the couch with Crabbe and Goyle by his sides, like his bodyguards. "Look everyone! Who's here!", he exclaimed, getting up. He walked slowly towards her, and muttered, "Capriana Addington, isn't it?". She froze. "I've never heard of this title before. You're not from a family of wizards, are you?", he smirked. "I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy. Everyone here calls me 'The Slytherin Prince'." He held out his hand for a handshake, but as she was about to take it, he threw up his hand, and snapped out loudly, "How the bloody hell did you think you could touch me, YOU FILTHY MUDBLOOD?" The last three words he spat out with a look of disgust on his face. At this, everyone in the room started laughing. Draco always knew the perfect way to humiliate anyone. Capriana stared right in his deep blue eyes, expressionless. She had known something like this would happen. She had read a tremendous amount of books about the injustice that was done to the Muggle-borns. She was not surprised. "Oh! So now you dare to look at me like that?" Then she smiled a little. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Malfoy.", placing her hand back inside her coat's pocket. The room fell silent again. "It's an honor to be a part of the wizarding world. Yes, you're right. My parents are indeed muggles. And you know what? I'm not ashamed of that. Rather, I'm proud that I'm, what you call, a 'Mudblood'." Draco's mouth fell open. Nobody, ever in his life, had answered him back like that. She smiled again, "See you around, Mr. Malfoy." She then walked past him and took the stairs which led to her dormitory.

Even after that incident, he tried many times to insult her. But to his dismay, he never succeeded. Capriana Addington was the only person he knew, who never got offended. The only person who didn't react when he called her a 'Mudblood'. What shocked him the most was the fact that even though he treated her badly, Capriana never held any grudge against him. She was kind to him, and surprisingly helped him when he needed it. But well, wasn't she like that with everyone? Finally, Draco had given up on teasing her. He thought she was too good for that. He still disliked her, even though he didn't hate her like before.

"What have you got there, Mudblood?", asked Draco curiously.

Capriana looked up beaming, and replied,

"Oh hi Mr. Malfoy! Happy Christmas!"

She still hadn't stopped calling him that.

She placed her package on the table.

"My parents sent me some gifts. It's nothing, just a book, and some sweets."

Draco picked the package and examined the book.

"A Muggle book, eh? What good is it?", he laughed sarcastically.

"Well, it is one the best-sellers of all time. You should read it. It's mind-blowing.", she replied.

Draco looked at her as if he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Of course not! I'll never read Muggle books.", he boomed irritably.

"It's your loss then", she sighed.

She grabbed the package from his hands, getting up. She dug through it and took out a handful of 'Muggle' sweets.

"Do you want to try these out? These are my favorite. Trust me you won't regret it, Mr. Malfoy.", she said, offering it to him.

Draco thought for a while. Then he looked around to make sure no one was watching them. "Just one, Mudblood.", he said taking one from her hands. He popped it inside his mouth. He started, "How can it be better than ours...mmhhh...Oh Merlin!", smiling a little, he closed his eyes, savoring the taste of it.

"Told you so!", Capriana giggled. "Do you want some more?", she asked.

Draco reached out to take another one, when he suddenly realized what he was doing. Bloody hell! What if his father hears about it? He'll kill him if comes to know that his son had 'Muggle' sweets. Without thinking, he snatched all the sweets and threw it across her face.

"What is wrong with you? How can you think I'll want any of your rubbish 'Muggle' sweets?", he yelled. "Get out of my face, you stupid Mudblood!".

All eyes were on them, by now.

"I'm s-sorry... I r-really am.", Capriana stuttered, without looking at him. Tears of pain were rolling down her face. She knelt down to pick up the fallen sweets and her package. What had happened just now? How could he be so mean? He definitely liked them, she had seen him smiling a little. Then why did he? This was too much. She couldn't hold it longer. She ran up to her dormitory.

For the first time, Draco felt ashamed of what he did. He knew he had hurt her deeply. It was really unfair. She was being nice to him and what did he do in return? He loathed himself. His hands were shaking, something that happened when he was really angry. But what could he have done? He had to do it. But was it the only way?

Thoughts were swimming in his head when he noticed people staring at him. "What? Show's over everyone!", he bellowed. He stormed off to his room. He needed some time to think.


NOTE: Well, that's it for this chapter. I really don't know if I am good at writing. Please review, vote and also, please let me know if you all think I should continue this story. Thanks and love you all.  xoxo!

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