Chapter 2

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A.N: Hello again! I'm back with the second chapter! To be honest, I wasn't really sure about continuing this story but some of you just changed my mind. How amazing! Thank you xbelindax for giving the positive feedback. Also, thank you very much to my friends Angelina and Da, for giving me the green signal to continue. You guys have given me so much confidence. Really.

Godric! I got so emotional! *sniff*

Ok! Enough talking now. Let's go!


Chapter 2

'Silencio!', sobbing, she waved her wand at the door. Nobody could hear her now. She dropped down on her knees. As tears streamed down her face, more and more thoughts and voices whirled through her head. She couldn't think straight.

"Words can cut and leave deeper scars, than any other sword"; Capriana could now clearly understand the meaning behind the phrase. It was crystal clear.

Where had she been wrong? Did she say too much? Was it her mistake that she was nice to everyone all the time? Draco's mean demeanor never had any effect on her before. Sometimes it did, but never too much. But this time, it felt like a thousand knives had pierced her altogether. Why did it hurt so much? Was it her fault, that she always tried to find goodness in the worst person? Was it her fault that she had hope in 'hope'? She had actually started to like him a little; she could see through his eyes that he wasn't what he showed he is. That innocence was still there hidden somewhere, beneath all that arrogance. Did she misunderstand him? Was he really mean, after all? It had been a long time since she felt like this. Broken.

A sloppy lick on her hand brought her back from her trance. Misty, her Tonkinese cat was looking at her with, what she felt like, concerned eyes. She had been her only real companion. "A pure soul of a dog inside the body of a cat." That is how Luna Lovegood, the dreamy Ravenclaw, described Misty. She loved Capriana unconditionally. A countless number of times she had even saved her from being bullied. She had strong instincts like a dog and Capriana knew, if it was to happen, Misty could give up her life for her.

Misty jumped and nuzzled into her lap. Capriana absent-mindedly stroked her head, and she purred reminding her she was not alone. They stayed like that, for what felt like hours.

It was almost time for the Christmas feast, but she decided that she would stay in. She was not ready to face anyone. Not yet.

She got up and collapsed on her bed. Maybe a little sleep will make her feel better. Misty sprung up and lay beside her, giving her comfort.


"What happened to your hand, Draco?", Pansy Parkinson touched his bandaged hand and he winced.

He couldn't tell her that out of rage, he had punched the wall for Merlin knows how many times. His dorm was in a complete mess because he had thrown whatever object was in his reach. Draco knew he always acted like a stupid ferret, just because he wanted to make his father proud of him. But he realized after the incident today, that in the process, he had hurt many people. Innocent people like Capriana. He had always been so unfair and in no way, he could forgive himself.

"Nothing. It's just a little scratch. It will heal, Madam Pomfrey fixed it.", he replied without looking at Pansy.

"All right. If you say so.", saying, she sat down.

They were in the Great Hall for the Christmas feast. Everyone (except Draco obviously) was excited. His eyes were searching for someone else. Where was Capriana? She usually sat three tables next to his, but her place was empty. Then he looked towards the Gryffindors. Maybe she was sitting with those gits, the Terrible Trio. But he couldn't find her with them too. His eyes scanned the entire Hall, but there was no sign of her. He grew worried.

He nudged Pansy and whispered without showing the alertness in his voice, "Did you see Capriana?"

She frowned a little, "I heard Daphne say that she didn't come out of her dorm. She locked herself there since the morning incident."

Merlin! What had he done?

Blaise Zabini who was eavesdropping their conversation smirked at him and spoke loudly, "Why Draco? Have you grown to care for that Mudblood suddenly?"

"Shut up Zabini!", Draco scowled at him.

The whole table roared with laughter. He couldn't control anymore. He banged his injured fist on the table and got up to leave. The whole table shook.

"Draco! Wait!", Pansy called out from the back. But he had already walked out of the Hall.


It was indeed an unusual day. It was the first time Draco was witnessing rain during Christmas in Hogwarts. He was always fond of getting wet in the rain. But every time he thought of doing that, his father's voice inside his head would stop him: No, Draco. This is not how you must behave.

Honor always came first for the Malfoys. Sometimes Draco felt that for Lucius, it mattered more than his son. Even when he is not around, why did he have so much control of him? Why couldn't he live for himself for once? He had had enough. No, this time he won't pay heed to the voice inside of him.

He walked out to the middle of the snowy ground, carefully without slipping. With his arms spread wide, he closed his eyes. Raindrops fell on his face. Oh Merlin! Instantly, he felt calm as if all his pain was being washed away with it. A small smile emerged on his face. It had been a very long time since he felt this wonderful. The sense of genuine and pure joy had overtaken his soul. He had never felt so happy before.

He opened his eyes slowly, a bright smile on his face; how small things can create a huge difference. Draco had made up his mind, he would start doing what his heart desires from now on. But first, he needed to apologize. He had no time to waste, he rushed to the Slytherin Dungeon.


NOTE: I know! This was a really short chapter. My exams are coming so I couldn't update much. Promise, the next one will be a longer one.

What's happening to Draco? Is he changing already? Did Capriana already start having an effect on him? What is she? A capsule? Haha! Don't worry, he still has a lot to learn. Be patient, and wait for what comes ahead.

This chapter is really short, but it is a very important one. A turning point for my precious Draco.

By the way, Tonkinese cat is my Patronus and my house is Ravenclaw. Have you all taken the Pottermore test? Which house do you all belong to and what is your Patronus? Do let me know! And don't forget to review and vote! Love you all! xoxo!

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