Chapter 4

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A.N: Hi fellas! Missed me? First of all I am really sorry for such a late update.

My exams got over. And oh! My high school too :(   *pass me a box of tissues please*

But the good thing is I'll be able to update sooner now. :D

I also want to thank all the people who have saved and turned on their notifications. You guys are amazing. Also, if you want to get updates for for my story you can follow my Instagram account. It's there on my profile.

Also, one of you texted asking me that how come Draco could get inside a girl's dormitory in the last chapter. So let's just pretend they are allowed and move on okay? Hehe

Not wasting any more time! Here we go!


Chapter 4

"You're WHAT?"

The triad chorused.


After a long day of sorrow and tears, Capriana finally joined the Gryffindors in the Great Hall. She did not even settle herself properly, when the three attacked her with their questions.

"Where were you?"

"Are you okay?"

"We missed you yesterday. Are you sure you're fine?"

"We couldn't give you your gifts. What did your parents send you this year?"

"You never miss Christmas feasts. Did Draco hurt you really badly? We heard about what that git did."

"We tried to come in but those bloody Slytherins stopped us. Why don't they let anyone in?"

"Are you hungry?"

She was taken aback by how all of them were so concerned about her. She could swear that she would never find better friends.

She managed to quieten them down and replied to their queries one by one.

"But what exactly was the matter?", Ron asked, taking a big bite from an apple.

Capriana sighed.

She narrated the whole incident from how Draco insulted her in front of everyone to how he kept banging her door and asked for her forgiveness.

She skipped the part where he had told her about how his father treated him.

After all, he had told it to only her. She couldn't go out announcing it to everyone. That would be just unfair.

They couldn't quite understand this 'sudden change' in the Draco Malfoy. The fact that he apologised was already too much for them to digest. But they chose to keep their mouths shut.

After she was done, they told her about their encounter with him. How he saved them from Snape and ran away claiming to "tend to some business".

Now they knew what that business was.

Weird indeed.

"Anyway, forget about him. Are you joining us to Hogsmeade today? We have a lot of shopping to do.", Hermione asked.

"Yes, of course. Why not?", she replied, giving her a faint smile.

But then the thought of Draco asking her out as a 'friend' crossed her mind and her body tensed.

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