08 • Blanket Thief

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Two episodes into 'My ID is Gangnam Beauty' and Lisa was already hooked

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Two episodes into 'My ID is Gangnam Beauty' and Lisa was already hooked. Jungkook would never admit it to any living soul, but he was enjoying watching the drama, too.

He was never into watching dramas, may it be Korean, American, or British. As a matter of fact, he would rather spend his time exercising, playing video games, or editing videos. However, he would endure this just to see the sparkle in Lisa's eyes as she got so worked up at every scene. To him, it was entertaining as heck.

On the plus side, he also got to support his friend.

"Eunwoo-ssi is really good-looking, huh?" The girl wondered out loud, "and the guy can act!"

"Yeah," Jungkook agreed, "he's great. He was always pestering us to watch his shows, I never got around into doing it because of the world tour."

The girl paused the episode that was playing in the huge television and turned her attention to him. "Ah yes, he was a member of the famous '97 liners group chat... Bam had mentioned that."

He nodded before stuffing his mouth with buttered popcorn. Amazingly, it belonged with the limited array of food Lisa was able to prepare properly.

"I've always been jealous of that group chat of yours," Lisa mumbled absentmindedly.

"Really? Why?"

She shrugged, "I don't know. It just seems so much fun."

"I'm sure you girls have a group chat with other female idols, too. I heard you're very close with Red Velvet and Twice."

"Yes, we do. But, that's different. I wanted a group chat with people my age where we can just banter all day. No rules, no honorifics, you know?"

"I get it. That's why I joined the '97 liner group chat." He muttered, "Yugyeom is my only friend outside of BTS before. But, now I have these people who have my back."

"Exactly. I want that, too." Lisa played the episode and they continued watching in silence. After a few minutes, she heaved a determined sigh before pausing it again. "You know what? I'm just gonna do it. I'm going to create one for us female '97 liners, too. I'll invite Minnie, Jihyo, Mina, Yuju, Eunha and, of course, my Chaeyoung. It will be awesome."

"You do that," he replied in support and just then, an idea crossed his mind, "and maybe we can make a group chat for all of us '97 liners, too."

She laughed out loud, "the fans will go berserk if they found out about that though."

"We'll keep it small then," the boy simply answered, "and no one needs to know about it except us."

"Hmmm, I like that we're making plans now," Lisa grinned. "It makes me feel like we'll get to leave this island soon and everything's going to be okay."

Her hopeful tone alone made Jungkook feel a whole better. It was his plan all along to at least help lessen Lisa's worries, and he was glad it worked.

"Of course," he finally said before shoving another round of popcorn into his mouth which was still curved into a genuine smile.

Damn, Lisa's popcorn is delicious.


After watching eight episodes of the Korean drama, the duo finally called it a night.

Lisa was already showered, done with her skincare routine, and ready for bed when she heard a melodic voice coming from the bathroom.

The boy was singing an a capella version of 'Waste It On Me' and it was absolutely swoon-worthy. Against her better judgment, she halted in front of the bathroom door and stayed there listening to him sing. He even rapped RM's part in perfect English, making the girl stare open-mouthed at the door.

Just how talented is this guy?

When she finally heard him turn off the shower, she ran to the bedroom as if her life depended on it, and went under the covers. She could only imagine Jungkook's reaction if he found her hanging out there while he took a bath inside.

That's it! I'm the biggest creep in the world and I deserve to get the chop!

A couple of minutes passed before Jungkook entered the bedroom in his pajamas, his face bare and hair wet.

"Showered well?" She internally face-palmed when the boy shot her a weird look. In an attempt to ward off the awkward atmosphere, Lisa said, "I think we need some bedroom ground rules."

"What for? We're sleeping just fine for the past two nights, aren't we?"

"I have something to say."

The boy raised an eyebrow at that, then shrugged in nonchalance. "Alright, let's hear it."

"I just have three teeny-tiny requests. First, no hogging of the blanket. Second, no hogging of the blanket, and third, no hogging of the blanket please," she finished with an innocent grin. "That's it. Good night."

She was about to turn to her side of the bed, her share of the warm blanket wrapped around her, when Jungkook dropped a bomb on her. "Fine. But, no snoring either."

A loud gasp tore from her lips. "Between the two of us, you're the one who snores so loud around here, Jungkook-ssi!"

The boy laughed at her offended expression. Then, he went under the covers after turning the lights off. "Really? I'm sorry, then."

But, his apology came too late, for she was already worked up about it. "And if I do snore, it's not like I can do anything about it!"

"Yeah, you're right." He chuckled.

"Do I really snore though?"

"A bit, yeah," she could hear the smile in his voice.

"Am I loud?"

"Not really," he paused to fix his pillow before continuing, "not as loud as mine, I can imagine."

Her eyebrows raised at that. "Really? I wasn't even aware of this."

"Don't worry about it. Your snore is cute, too. Sleep well, Lisa."

Cute? Too? So, what else did he find cute about me?

With one last hidden smile at that, the girl slowly succumbed to a dreamless sleep.


The next morning, Lisa woke up to the chilly air that seemed to be seeping into her bones.

Jeon Jungkook was still hogging all of the blanket.

End of Chapter 8

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