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If Pip, Tweek, Kyle, Butters, and Clyde had one thing in common, which keep in mind isn't many, is that they had no idea how it or what happen. If you walked up and asked them, they would just ask themselves that same question.

It all started when they were called to the nurse

"Could the following students come to the nurse after this announcement, Kyle Broflovski, Phillip Pirrup, Leopold Stotch, Tweek Tweak, and Clyde Donovan. I repeat, those following students please come to the nurse."

They stood up a proceeded to the nurse

"GAH! W-W-WHAT IF WE HAVE THIS DISEASE WHERE WE CAN AN-GAH W-WILL DIE!" Tweek worried, like usual when they get called on the speakers. A thing with Tweek and his boyfriend, Craig Tucker, is that when Tweek freaks out, Craig knows where he is, no matter how far apart they are. But sadly, Craig couldn't go to his little Spaz, even if he could he knew he'll get expelled for leaving class without permission again, plus they happen to be doing a major test that would reflect them if they wanted to go to a university or college, and Tweek wanted Craig to go to college, leaving the four other boys with a the twitchy blonde that was currently pulling their hair out and spazzing like crazy.

"Tweek shut up! Your being really Annoying." Vented the only red head in the group of teenage boys. Kyle usually would have kept his mouth shut but, ever since His super best friend, Stan Marsh, finally had sex with his girl friend, Wendy Testaburger, Kyle has lost his temper over little things or things he won't get pissed off by usually. The reason of this was because the red headed boy had always had a crush on his super best friend since the first day of middle school, also when he found that he was gay. His opinion on Wendy however would get you wondering, how had Kyle not killed or even beat the shit out of that Testaburger girl. Well that's because 1.) she is a female and 2.) that's Stan's girlfriend. Leaving the four other boys with a red head boy acting like Shelly on her period.

"Well, geez Kyle, that not very nice." Scolded a light blonde boy with a scar on his right eye from when they were kids. That scar was given to the innocent yet following boy by none other than Kenny Mccormick, which is now his best friend, according to Butters. Though as much as Butters looks up to a boy name Eric Cartman, Butters looks more up to the handsome yet poor, Kenny, once again according to Butters. Sadly thanks to Kenny, Butters now has porno mags, that his parents yet to find, but he know when his parents find them, he is going to be grounded until he's 18. When the innocent Butters watch his first porn he thought if he watches gay porn he wouldn't get in as much as if he watched lesbian or straight porn, because he was so innocent to believe that looking at girls having sex, same gender or not was more inappropriate than two guys having sex. Sometimes Kenny will watch with Butters, With Kenny being the only one who knows Butters watches porn or just gay porn straight. Leaving the four other boys with Butters who is now imagining Craig and Tweek in heated make out session.

"Tweek, are you alright Tweek? If you still think we have disease, I assure you that we don't." Said the blonde British boy. Not much to be said about Pip except that he is dislike by every one in the school except Butters and Tweek. Interesting fact is that he used be friends with the antichrist until he moved. His name was Damien. At night most times he would cry over being bullied by the kids in his school, mainly Cartman. But he would never show any one how depressed is, unless they're Damien. Leaving the four other boys with a annoying French weirdo, according to Kyle and Clyde.

"Pip, no one wants to hear your annoying French accent. Your voice making me lose my appetite for tacos after school!" Said the crybaby Clyde, nickname given to him by his great friends Craig and Jimmy. Clyde wondered why he wasn't happy, by that I mean romantically wise. He has friends, a gorgeous girlfriend, gay friends, etc. But for some odd reason every time he sees one of his friends, Token Black, display public affection to his girlfriend, Nichole Daniels, he feels jealous in him and starts crying, though people don't know that's the reason he cries so randomly. Clyde had always had a love for tacos, preferably Taco Bell's tacos, heck, his favorite song is It's Raining Tacos. But apparently, If Pip Kept talking, he would have to give up on his tacos today because of how annoying Pip's voice is. Leaving all five boys in silents, with the exception of Tweek screaming about how they will all die today or just one of them.

When they finally made it to the nurse office they saw five or eight professional looking doctors and security guards.

"Shut your fucking crazy mouth Tweek before you lose it."
All the Red head got was a nod from the twitch blonde.

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