Chapter Three

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Once Clyde Left the nurse, it was finally Pip's turn

Cheerfully as possible, Pip did as he was told:
Sit down on the nurse bed
Listen carefully to what was going on
answer questions...

Well that was until he got to the ninth question.

"Do you think or are you depressed?" The female doctor asked, her  name was Dr.Firmick. "Sorry but I don't feel comfortable answering that  question..." "Sorry about that, but you need to answer that question."

They argued over the questions for about 4 minutes until the bell rang

That's when Pip heard his voice. The voice of his Antichrist friend.


'Answer the question truthfully. If anything bad happens I'll deal with it'

The voice was not heard again
"Um, yes I  feel depressed at times..." Pip finally gave in because of that voice."  Thank you." Dr.Firmick said, relieve running through her veins.

Soon after that it was the same procedure as Clyde and Butters

A guy with a untrusting grin walks in to give the head doctor the tray.

"I need you to lay on your stomach , and  don't think of anything until I say so." The doctor repeated for the  third time that day. Pip did as he was told.
He didn't think.

That was already being done for him

'Hey Pip, longtime no see. How long has it  been, I'm pretty sure six or seven years. I know your life been a living  hell, pun not intended, but just know..'

"Okay don-What the heck!" Dr.Firmick yelled  once she saw a boy in all black with flaming red eyes. Soon the security  guards start to come but they stopped moving, actually every one  stopped moving besides Pip and the boy in all black. "D-Damien?" Pip  asked hesitant to say a word, unsure if he was correct. "Hey Phillip,  you sure haven't changed. Still have the same clothes on from when the  last time I sa-" Damien words of remembrance was cut off by Pip running  up to Damien to force him into a tight hug of remembrance. "Your acting  like I never hugged you before." Pip stated to the anti-Christ who began  to become stubborn as a rabbit in love with a fox. "B-B-Because we  never hugged before..." Damien drifted his argument to the abyss, as his  pale face turned into a shade of love red. "Well, then I guess that's  your first hug from me!" Pip said as cheerful has he is.

A peaceful silence devoured the aura of the  room as the two long no see friends share their first and maybe best  embrace, like when forbidden love is undone by the author. But like I  said, 'There is not much to say about Pip...' and that's a fact. And  like all forbidden love stories, there is always pain. May a series of  fucked up events take over the story.

Damien was to in the embrace he forgot about the time capsule he made causing time to continue on.

Before Damien stopped the time, a security  guard had already had his gun out ready to secretly fire at the spaz in the  front, now he will be using it on Pip.

Pip then gets shot from the back of his head by 5 bullets.

As Damien stares with wide eyes at the teen  British boy he loved since he laid eyes on him, dead, soulless, peaceful  within his arms, only one of those the anti-Christ was happy about, a  emotion, not even real to Damien built up within his body, like a little  kid finally getting a toy they could never get because of where they  come from but it getting stolen are broken the next moment.

The security guards began to hold Damien  down, while Dr.Firmick walked towards the lovesick devil who was just  giving in to the force of begin held. "No need to worry, he's not dead.  All you need to be considered with is forgetting all about this"

Before they were able to  inject him, Damien  knew he would rather every one who could affect his precious Pip  because of his wrongs forget about this moment. yes he may be the son of  saint, but that won't stop him from fixing the things he did wrong so  it won't affect the one he truly loves, and yes he may get punished by  the head court of hell, just not his father who is too busy acting like  a sixteen year old girl.

The moment  Damien was injected, he caused every in the room the room to forget  about what had just happened. Every one forgot besides Pip...

...Because every story needs something like this to happen.


Heyo!  Sorry about the wait, I came up with a plan to make a check point after  every six chapters so I can write the story then edit it. as a apologe  here is a bonus that has nothing to do with the plot!



when  Damien left the scene the moment he was injected, Tweek began to  scream." HOLY SHIT I SAW A DEM-" Tweek was then cut off by Kyle punch  Tweek head. "I TOLD YOUR ASS TO SHUT UP!"


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