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I was awoken by the sounds of Vivianne struggling under the sheets. As I craned my neck to see her sprawled on the bed, her free hand clutching her head, I felt my body ache in its stiffness.

She had only gained consciousness just then and was trying to sit up. It was then that she realised that there was someone else in the room and that I had been sleeping on the ground, my head resting on her bedside.

She looked at our intertwined hands in confusion, looking quite adorable in her tousled bed hair and last night's crumpled white dress.

"Good Morning." I wished her with a small smile.

Perhaps my words had broken her from some kind of trance because, in a second, she weaselled her hand from my grip, recoiling to the back of the bed with a shocked expression on her face. She pulled her legs to her chest and looked around at the unfamiliar room and its walls.

"It's a motel room," I told her as I stood up from my place and folded the sleeves of my white shirt up to my elbows.

I couldn't bring her to my house with the paparazzi on my back and I didn't know the route to hers. The motel was our only option.

But her expression to my words made it difficult not to break into a laugh. She looked aghast and her smudged make-up made it funnier.

How cute.

"Did you... Did I make you sleep on the floor for the entire night?" She asked in a mouse's voice.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror and saw a tired face. I picked up my hat and mask from the ground and put them on after fixing my creased shirt. "Glad you remember, Vivianne." I walked to the door and opened it, "There's a washroom with some fresh towels on the right. I'll wait for you downstairs."


I was paying for the room when Vivianne strode down the stairs. Her face was bare and devoid of any makeup and her hair was tied in a loose ponytail while she was still dressed in last night's dress. Her heels clicked every time she walked down a stair and I was suddenly reminded of the movie premiere that we had abandoned.

Quickly dialling my manager's number, I pulled my phone to my ear. The phone rang several times until it went to voicemail. I tried several times more but it was of no use. I had left the cinema on an urgent note after getting a call last night. My manager knew I was out but he had no idea what I was up to. I just hoped that he had handled my disappearance well.

"Alis-" She looked around at the people at the lounge and turned it into a cough, "I mean, is anything wrong?"

Vivianne had the eyes befitting angels. There was a worry in her innocent blue orbs that made me want to blow away anything that stood in her path. I smiled softly, "Let's catch some breakfast before we start the day."


We were seated in the same room as last night but the ambience was a stark contrast to last night's. Milo's was a fast-moving diner in the day and a well-known bar in the night. A waiter appeared to take our orders at the booth.

"Can you call Mike instead? He usually takes my orders." I mused as the man bowed and left.

I turned to Vivianne who had her head in her hands, massaging it lightly. She looked up at me apologetically.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that last night, Alistair. I was drunk and-"

I waved her off. "Just promise me you won't drink more than you can handle," I spoke firmly.

"Never again." Vivianne croaked.

Mike entered just then, a notepad in his hands. He was still tying his apron on his back. He looked at Vivianne with a grin. "You alright there, little lady? Those were some strong drinks last night."

Vivianne groaned. "You're a bartender and a waiter?" She asked him.

He stifled a laugh.

"Michael's the owner, Viv. He does all the odd jobs to get this place running."

Vivianne looked at him in surprise and greeted a hello before I took over and ordered us some food. When the food arrived, we ate our meals in silence and in pain. The latter being predominant on Vivianne's face.

"So, you love me." I started as Vivianne took a large gulp of her orange juice and effectively splattered it all over the table in shock.

She looked at me pointedly and I passed some tissues over. She dabbed a few over her mouth spitefully.

"Don't act like I've said something wrong. You tried to kiss me a dozen times last night."

She was still dabbing her mouth while staring at me with open eyes. I politely pointed a couple more spots that needed cleaning and she hurried to wipe it off. When she was finally done, she took a large gulp of water and swallowed it down.

"I was drunk." She argued.

"Drunk under the table." I corrected her, "But that's still no excuse. It is an affirmation instead because you're not this reckless with alcohol without a reason."

She snorted in disagreement. "They were just drunk words, Alistair. It doesn't mean anything."

Both she and I knew how much a lie that was. The tone she had used just then was the one she generally used to support a losing argument. It was like denying the obvious.

"At any rate, I owe you one for helping me out last night. Let me make it up to you." She said as she stared at the bill presented to us, taking some cash out of her wallet.

I frowned. Why was she denying her feelings for me? I believed it was obvious that I loved her just the same, if not even more and I had shown it on more than one occasion.

"Do you not want to know how I feel?" I asked her softly.

Something changed in her eyes but she shook her head no. "Just tell me how I can repay your kindness."

Repay my kindness? A sudden idea came to me. I pulled my hands together and smiled victoriously.

"In that case..."


Word Count: 1065
Date Published: 10.02.2019


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