9.The Aftermath

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The serpents all sat in dead silence at the Whyte wyrm. Jughead, Archie and Veronica all sat patiently in the hospital waiting room. Doctors rushed in and out of patients rooms, nurses with clipboards pacing the hallways. Alice Cooper comes bursting through the entrance doors with urgency. Her eyes were puffy from tears and she was panting out of breath. She runs towards the reception and asks in her panic. "Where is Betty Cooper? I'm here for Betty Cooper!"

The receptionist answers back. "Are you family?".

"I am her Mother. I need to see her!"

"Follow me, Mrs Cooper."

As the lady dressed in a blue nurses outfit walks down the corridor, Alice quietly asks her. "Those kids sitting in that waiting room, two boys and the girl. They can't come in. Please don't let them see her. They're just trouble." The receptionist nods at her, opening the door to reveal Betty laying on the hospital bed, unconscious with tubes and drips.

"What did they do to you?" Alice says to Betty's lifeless body. She reaches out and holds her cold hands. The beeping noise from the heart monitor is the only thing that she can concentrate on.

*6 hours later*

The morning sun has just risen and despair in Riverdale is still settled. Archie and Veronica returned back to Archie's house to get some sleep. Jughead is sprawled across the waiting room chairs, his eyes closed but his mind still winding. Alice, fast asleep and still holding onto Betty's hand. The sound of the heart monitor rises and Betty's eyelashes begin to flutter open. Her eyes adjust to the rooms bright lights. "Mum?" she says, waking Alice up.

"Betty!" Alice replies with tears of joy falling down her cheek.

Betty begins to panic, confused as to what's happened and where everyone is.

"Where's Jughead? Mum! What happened?"

"Don't worry sweetie. They'll take care of you here. You don't need Jughead. I'm here." "Can I get a nurse in here please?" She shouts out to the hospital corridor.

"Miss Cooper! You're awake." a young nurse with brown hair neatly curled into a bun enters the room. "We've run a few tests on you after everything you've been through and we had the results come through yesterday."

"Why was I not told about these results? I am her Mother! I have the right to know what is happening!" Alice angrily says.

"Miss Cooper has the right to tell who she wants but it is patient confidentiality. Is it okay that your mother is in the room whilst I give you the results?" The nurse asks.

"Of course. There's nothing too bad is there? It was only a stab wound and a few bruises that I can remember." Betty states.

"The stab wound was nothing that we couldn't handle and it wasn't as deep as we thought it was going to be, however, that was not where the blood loss was happening."

Betty and Alice look at each other in fear with wide eyes. "What is it then?" Betty asks nervously.

"Where you seem to have been attacked, we found a large amount of internal bleeding."

"But, that can be fixed, right?" Betty queries.

"There was not much internal damage done to you, Betty. I'm so sorry but we found that you have had a miscarriage."

Betty sits in pure shock and feels paralysed in disbelief.

"I'll leave you with your mother for a moment to gather your thoughts. If you need anything, please just ask."

"Thank you, nurse," Alice says, nodding and dismissing the nurse.

"I can't believe this Betty." Still, in shock, Betty stares at the wall, shaking.

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