Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine


"Are we there yet?"

"Axel," Noah says, voice straining to remain calm. "Nothing has changed since the last time I answered, two minutes ago."

I bite the end of my tongue to keep from saying anything, glancing back at Axel in the backseat from the rearview mirror. I myself am losing patience with this boy, and I'm really starting to regret not taking up Taylor's offer to ride to Sam's Aunt's in her car. That or I should've forced Carolynn to come in this car instead and shooed Axel off with Sam and Taylor.

I've been on the road with him and Noah for the past hour and it was fine for a good fifteen minutes, but then Axel began this dreaded ritual of asking us if we've arrived every couple minutes. It's like Donkey from Shrek has been on repeat for the entire length we've been stuck in the car, and don't get me wrong I love the movie, but at this point it's becoming brutal torture. It'll be too soon if I ever lay eyes on that donkey again.

"Just double checking," he mumbles, finally giving up with a sigh and leaning back from his hunkered position between the front seats.

Again, I fight the urge to say something lippy, instead focusing my attention back on the phone in my hands. I've been the main one controlling the AUX and I'm enjoying my roll of the DJ, despite what the boys opinions are of my music choice.

"If you play one more Bruno Mars song, I'm going to lose my mind," Noah groans, glancing off of the road for a split second to catch my eye.

I'm still bitter about him not telling me the cause of his worry yesterday, but I've stuffed it in the back of my mind for now. I plan on asking him the second after vacation. Besides, part of me―the big, paranoid part of my brain ― believes not knowing is for the best. At least, for now. I already deal with enough stress and there's no point in adding more, especially on a vacation.

"Just one more," I reason, though I don't give him time to accept the offer before I click on the song.

"Just for that, you're playing Eminem after this."

"Am not," I declare, sticking out my tongue.

"Are too," he responds, playfully mocking my tone.

During our little argument, Axel tries to butt in. "Guys―"

Unfortunately, Noah and I are too wrapped up in our conversation to respond back. Either that or we've mutually settled on ignoring him.

"I refuse," I punctuate, making a point by turning up the volume to the song, Young Girls.

"It's only fair."

"But he sucks."

I can feel Axel shift forward, resuming his position hunkered between the front seats. "Guys, I―"

"He does no―"

"GUYS!" He shouts, finally gaining our attention. I can practically feel the shake of the cars interior by the intensity of his volume.

"What?" Noah and I both groan simultaneously.

"God, you guys fight like a married couple," he mutters. "What I was trying to say is, I've got to go."

Confused, I tilt my head. "Go where? We're all going to the same place."

"And for all this time I thought I was the stupid one. No, not go. Go."

A lightbulb flashes above my head as the meaning finally clicks in my brain, but Noah's the first to answer.

"Bro, we already passed the nearest rest stop. Can't you wait a half hour more?"

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