💋 Madame Mirage 💋

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Meet Madame Mirage/Harper Temple

Meet Madame Mirage/Harper Temple

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She is a British spy and her mission is to take down Aggressive Solutions International

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She is a British spy and her mission is to take down Aggressive Solutions International. She uses advanced technology to produce illusions which aid her in deceiving and destroying her foes. She's only an holographic illusion that resembles Harper's dead sister, Angela Temple (looks and everything) and she was created by none other than the technical genius: Harper Temple.

Few years ago, Angela and her sister Harper Temple were graduates who completed college and began their own company named Templetech. Harper served as the company's technical genius and Angela was the center of attention. They secured a government grant to continue their research and development of some cutting edge technology concerning spectral refraction -- which was not technically mega-tech by definition. The technology had the potential to render its user invisible. Because of this they dubbed their project Ellison, as a nod to Ralph Ellison's "Invisible Man."

One day Angela found a man who was very interested in their advances, as a buyer. His name was Robert Rhodes and he worked for (A.S.I.). When she told Harper about Rhodes, Harper was very skeptical of him and his company. Even still, Angela persuaded Harper to allow her to bring Rhodes to their workshop for a tour.

After Rhodes and a few of his associates finished their tour of the workshop, they offered to buy Templetech and all of their work outright. This specifically included the top secret Ellison project (the glove) as well. Harper was all the more suspicious and alarmed while she turned down the offer in response of Rhodes shot and killed her sister, Angela on the spot. Harper swore her revenge and she was then shot as well. Thinking the two Temple sisters dead, Rhodes and his associates stole their technology and burned down the entire workshop. Harper, however, survived by using the early prototype Ellison Device to generate an illusion of herself and avoid any actual harm.

After escaping the inferno of Templetech, she managed to use her technological brilliance to download Angela's brain impulses into a device called the M-Band. Harper then spent years training her body and further developing the Ellison Device in anticipation of her revenge on the A.S.I. The technology progressed by leaps and bounds till Harper could not only use it as a cloaking device, but also use it to create completely lifelike and solid illusions from light. Finally she combined this technology with Angela's brain impulse scans (her memories and personality) to resurrect her sister after a fashion. This hologram of Angela was also designed by Harper to be a disguise and a weapon of deception that she could use while exacting her revenge.

After her first strikes against A.S.I. she revealed herself to them (wearing her disguise) via video. She introduced herself as Mirage and made it known that none of them were safe.

Powers and Abilities:
Mind Control

Shape Shifting
Sharpshooter (Also goes for Harper)
Ellison Device (Glove used by Harper unless she's in control)
Swordswoman (For Harper)

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