Chapter 17 | closure is what i need

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"Underground band concerts?" I said chewing on my lower lip. "I've never been to one."

"That doesn't surprise me." Hero leans over my shoulder to look at my essay. "Don't say underground band concerts are appealing to me. Woman are appealing to me."

"I'm a perfectionist when it comes to my writing Hero." I beam. "I have issues with simply writing you enjoy underground band concerts."

"Fuck, whatever then." Hero finally takes a seat beside me at the lunch table and our friends begin to arrive. Well, I'm not sure Hero considers them friends only Justin of course.

"What's up?" Danielle says tilting her head to examine Hero and I. She's probably wondering why he keeps looking over my shoulder.

"Not much, I'm just trying to finish this essay for homeroom." I tell her. "Where's Justin?"

"I asked him to go get me some tampons from the store." Danielle answers. "It's so easy talking to him about that kinda stuff."

"My grandmother almost died while using a tampon." Beverley chimes in slamming her tray of food on the table. "No joke."

Hero pushes his food away and I see his mouth set into a hard line. The talk about periods and whatnot probably caused him to lose his appetite. I realize Beverley has moved her tray down the table right beside Hero and she takes her seat grinning down at him with her perfect smile. Sofie is now sitting all alone on the other side.

"I don't have a period thank god." Beverley says, I think she's trying to hint at something.

"Are you pregnant or something?" Hero said with a comical tone.

"No." Beverley bursts into a fit of chuckles. "You're so funny Hero." She leans into him and rests her hand against his forearm.

I'm sitting here pretending not to notice as I continue writing my essay. Hero's only given me a few more things to write about and it's enough for me to work on for now. I've learned that he doesn't like flying in airplanes which was interesting, one of his favorite things are underground band concerts, he dislikes anything sports related and he hates rainy days.

I also despise rain, it always made my hair harder to tame per usual. It likes ruining anything suede and always leaves my shoes caked in mud. I put my essay back into my bag and my eyes go straight to the tray of food sitting in the middle of the table.

"I'm gonna eat your lunch." I nudge Hero's arm before grabbing it. I should try to get out of fourth period a lot sooner than I do so I could easily grab my own lunch.

"Hey." Jess surprises us all as she sits down with us. Normally she doesn't say a single word whenever she comes around. I was still suspicious about her visiting Hero, it wouldn't be the first time she tried ruining a friendship.

"Are you sitting here just so you can rat one of us out?" Beverley hisses narrowing her eyes at Jess. I take a bite of my nachos and watch them glare over each other. "You're lucky I never told anyone about the time I caught you and Justin getting close in gym, oh wait, oops."

Danielle's eyes snap at Jess.

"She's lying!" Jess defends jumping out of her seat. "I never kissed Justin."

I'm getting tired of all this bickering, I just want to sit here and enjoy my lunch without any interruptions.

"Can you guys shut up I'm getting a headache over here?" Hero groans.

"I don't believe a single word that comes out of your mouth!" Danielle shouts.

"Fine, you believe me right Ella?"

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