Chapter 5 - Truly, Thank You

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Atsuhi was walking down the hall, right by Bakugo's side, and studying the walls and floors to occupy her mind. The two classmates were walking in silence, looking for an empty waiting room where they could talk, while also trying to avoid accidentally listening in on someone else's conversation, like they had done the previous time.

The girl hadn't forgotten about his eagerness to ask her something earlier and that's why she had suggested finding a quiet place to talk now, during the recreational games which neither of the two were going to participate in. However, what she hadn't given much thought to was what the blond wanted to talk about. He looked really serious about it and the fact that he insisted the two had to talk in private only confused Atsuhi.

Whatever Bakugo had on his mind, he really wasn't acting like his usual self. Whether that was a good or a bad thing, she could only wait to figure out.

Does it have something to do with what has been happening during the Sports Festival... Or is it about something else entirely? C'mon, Bakugo-kun, I don't like to be kept in the dark like that.

But the boy just kept walking with a serious expression on his face, only checking if any of the doors they were passing by were open. If he didn't want to tell her now, Atsuhi was going to respect his wish and wait for him to ask her when he thinks it's appropriate.

Peeking into one of the few open rooms, Bakugo saw that it was empty and holding open the door, waited for Atsuhi to walk in, before following after her and closing the door. There were a few seconds of awkward silence during which the female sat on one of the chairs and looked at her classmate, who was standing in front of the door and looking down. When he finally met her gaze, Bakugo took a seat next to her and looking straight into her eyes told her what had been on his mind for some time now.

"What... happened to your mother?" The girl's eyes widened. Bakugo's expression was serious - he wasn't joking around, he wasn't taking this lightly. He was just trying to get straight to the point.

"My... mother...?" Atsuhi could barely find the words to respond and so she kept staring at the blond's furrowed brows and his crimson eyes, which were looking straight back at her.

He didn't answer, nor did he repeat his question. It felt as if the temperature in the room had suddenly fallen by a few degrees and chills ran down Atsuhi's spine. Right now, she wanted to confirm one thing.

"You... act as if you already know...?" It was a statement but it came out sounding like a question. She never really wanted to tell anybody about this, so maybe if he didn't know she could-

"I do. I think." Bakugo stopped talking for a moment, looking down and then lifting his head back up with a less intense expression this time. "But... I want you to confirm it. After what that blond copycat said, it really made me wonder what exactly happened." As he was speaking, his voice was quiet, in contrast to the usual volume of his words. Atsuhi continued looking him in the eyes for a few more seconds, trying to decide if he really wanted to hear the story. She finally sighed and leaned back in her chair.

"It's quite the long story, though... Not one with a happy ending either. Are you really sure you want to hear it...?" If anything, the blonde female's words were more to convince herself, rather than to warn her classmate. After Bakugo nodded in confirmation, the girl folded her hands on the table in front of her and hesitantly began.

"Well, my mother was Hiyamiku - a pro hero working in Fukua in a shared agency with my dad. Because of the constant villain attacks in the area though, neither her, nor my father really had days off. Sometimes one of them would take charge of the agency for a day, while the other one got to rest a bit. I really treasured those days, because I could spend time with my parents. I've always admired everything they did as heroes but even I have to admit that sometimes it was upsetting - I barely got to see them in the evening because of how late they would be working and then by the time I get up in the morning they have to leave already.

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